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[photo] KTX train ticket

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[photo] KTX train ticket

Postby hyunwoo » April 24th, 2008 9:31 am


Here's a KTX train ticket. It's about the size of a credit card. :-)

I went to Busan last weekend to attend a family gathering, and it cost me a lot of money, but still, I could it was cheap when I consider the amount of time that was saved thanks to the fast train (Korea Train eXpress - KTX) .

If you're thinking of going from Seoul to Busan or the other way around, taking the KTX is the fastest, and you can buy a ticket very easily from any automatic ticket vending machine at Seoul Station (although Busan station doesn't have automatic ticket machines yet and you have to go to the ticket windows.)

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Postby holdfast » May 5th, 2008 2:27 am

just curious: about how much does it cost to take the ktx that far? and how does that compare to the regular trains?

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Postby hyunwoo » May 5th, 2008 12:45 pm

Good question :-)

If you want to go to Busan from Seoul at the lowest cost, you can take the express bus which will cost around 25 USD, and take a little less than 5 hours.

And if you take KTX, which takes less than 3 hours, is as you can see in the picture, around 53 USD.

There's another type train that is called 새마을호("new town train"), and it takes 1 more hour, and costs 10 USD less. :-)

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Postby usakorjb03 » May 5th, 2008 4:59 pm

good to know. oh how i wanna visit expensive lol...maybe i'll write a letter to my mom's sister and ask her to send me a ticket lol j/k i wouldn't do that. hopefully next year tho i'll be able to make the trip. with the cost of stuff in the USA going up it's getting hard to afford gas for my car. :shock:

BUT great info
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Postby matthew254 » May 10th, 2008 3:44 am

should I reserve my KTX ticket a couple days beforehand during July (Seoul to Busan)? or is it still not full capacity? what's been your experience with KTX?

I've done that express bus (ha!) before and it was death. I mean it could have been worse, but the faster the better in my book....

anyone's thoughts are appreciated.

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Postby xflibble » May 23rd, 2008 9:08 am

Last time we were there trains ran really frequently but some were hard to get on, particularly end of the day and weekends. I'd suggest getting your ticket early if a specific travel time is critical.

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Re: [photo] KTX train ticket

Postby rupalsingh14june_232608 » July 5th, 2017 10:21 am

Thanks for sharing information, If you have booked train ticket and due to some reason you want to cancel train ticket ,you can cancel your train ticket in very simple step. Learn how to cancel train ticket .

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Re: [photo] KTX train ticket

Postby contactus_231994 » July 7th, 2017 3:07 am


Thanks for sharing!


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