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Favorite Korean dishes

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Postby jplato » May 26th, 2008 7:50 pm

usakorjb03 wrote:hopefully tomorrow where i live will be warm enough to eat some 냉면, i've been craving it for a while but the weather lately sucks. it's been raining here since last night, starting to clear up. 냉면 will be soon for me :)

Yes, definitely good in hot weather! Do you make it yourself?

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Postby SiEd » June 18th, 2008 5:27 am

Bouks wrote:
There's a side dish that was served with Korean barbeque that I didn't care for. It was peanuts with these little tiny silver 물고기, about the size of guppies. The peanuts were OK, but eating the tiny fish was like chewing on little pieces of wood. I'm still not even sure I was supposed to be eating them.

Up 'til now, I was reading the posts thinking, "Oh, you sissies!" But this one....ugh! :shock:

Aren't these 멸치? I'll gladly eat them, plus any portion you guys don't finish ;) These are called "dilis" in Tagalog, "ikan teri" or "ikan bilis" in Indonesian, and "gerang" in Balinese. I just love these - well, perhaps because I grew up with them. I even eat the bitter heads - those are especially good.

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Postby holdfast » June 19th, 2008 2:39 am

today i had 김치 순재비 and it was 너무 너무 맛있어요!

it was like.... kimchi noodle soup!

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Postby thomasz » June 19th, 2008 7:38 am

Can you saw me how to do that food. I want to try.

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Postby ataraxyspace4812 » September 29th, 2010 8:06 am

These are the food I liked and missed:
삼각 김밥(tuna mayo flavour),짜장면,순두부,탕수육.
This is one that I don't like, maybe I just don't like food to be served cold.

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