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How to translate this sentence to english?

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How to translate this sentence to english?

Postby polkadotcandies_227460 » December 11th, 2014 5:51 am


I'm travelling to Korea soon and i'm a vegetarian thus do not take meat, onion, garlic and leek. May i know what's the korean translation for "I do not take meat, onion, spring onion, garlic and leek."

Last edited by polkadotcandies_227460 on December 19th, 2014 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How to translate this sentence to english?

Postby community.korean » December 12th, 2014 2:26 am

Hi there,

"I do not take meat, onion, spring onion, garlic and leek."
"저는 고기, 양파, 파, 마늘, 부추를 먹지 않습니다."
Jeoneun gogi, yangpa, pa, maneul, buchureul meokji ansseumnida.

"I am a vegetarian."
"저는 채식주의자입니다."
Jeoneun chaesikjuuijaimnida.

Hope you have a great time in Korea!


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Re: How to translate this sentence to english?

Postby polkadotcandies_227460 » December 18th, 2014 1:13 pm


Sorry for the late reply. I didn't receive any notification. Anyway, thank you so much!!

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Re: How to translate this sentence to english?

Postby polkadotcandies_227460 » December 18th, 2014 1:40 pm


By the way, i thought if we want to say "I don't eat meat" in korean, it is 저는 고기 안 먹어요.

What does 않습니다 means?


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Re: How to translate this sentence to english?

Postby community.korean » December 26th, 2014 2:05 am

Hi polkadotcandies,

You're welcome. :)

저는 고기 안먹어요. is the standard politeness level and more colloquial.
저는 ~먹지 않습니다. is more formal and polite.

Adjective/Verb + 지 않습니다 is used to negate the verb or adjective attached to it, which is 먹다 (eat) in this case.

Hope this helps. :)


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Re: How to translate this sentence to english?

Postby polkadotcandies_227460 » June 25th, 2015 7:22 am

Hi Claire,

Thank you so much for your explanation. May i know how do i pronounce this, 않 and 살았어요?

sal-ad-eo-yo (살앋어요)? sa-lad-eo-yo? sa-la-seo-yo (살앋어요)?

Thanks a lot!

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