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Korean Poetry

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Joined: December 26th, 2007 8:37 pm

Korean Poetry

Postby bialun » May 7th, 2008 2:01 pm

I really need your help guys! Next week I am to take part at collective recitation of a poem by Jeong Jeol (Song Gang) and I have absolutely no idea about how one should intonate a korean gasa (poem)...guess the intonation must be very different from that of european poems! but couldn't find any audio of recited poems in korean on the internet...HELP
here's my piece:

엊그제 빚은 술이 얼마나 익었느냐?
술잔을 잡거니 권하거니 실컷 기울이니,
마음에 맺힌 시름이 조금이나마 덜어지는구나,
거문고 줄을 얹어 풍입송을 타자꾸나.
손님인지 주인인지 다 잊어버렸도다.
높고 먼 공중에 떠 있는 학이 이골의 진선이라.
이전에 달 아래서 혹시 만나지 아니하였는가?
손님이 주인에게 이르기를 그대가 곧 진선인가 하노라.
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