the_haunted_boy, I don't know why you'd want the Ahn Chakhee season first before the Stephen & Lisa. The lessons don't continue in the new seasons. They all start with the basic greetings and go from there. Also, you'll learn more conversational Korean with the Stephen & Lisa series. But, hey, to each his own.
tormsen, Hello 안녕하세요! is really nice (from what I remember). I haven't had time to watch a lot of those. There is a lot of Korean spoken there and the format is good. The 'EBS lang' with 수잔 is very entertaining (and cute) but it goes on too long without covering that much material. 30+ minutes to learn how to say "How much is this/that"? No thanks.
Homey Korean is very basic. I would only recommend watching if you either have a crush on Chris or Brian or you like claymation (in 아라리쇼) Even then you wouldn't remember jack from the lessons because you're just checking Chris out and his tight shirts the whole time. Hmm, OK, I'm should probably end this now before I totally embarrass myself
Too late.