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Postby the_haunted_boy » March 14th, 2008 3:31 pm

Are any of you people familiar with that Arirang tv show called Let's Speak Korean (LSK)? It was made for foreigners living in Korea and has been around for a long time. You can watch the videos on Arirang tv's website. But I want them on DVD, so I am always asking Arirang tv if they are available on DVD, but they never have replied to me. Do any of you people know if they are on DVD?

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Postby John » March 14th, 2008 5:50 pm

well I was going to give you a link to the series but Stage6 seems to have been completely shutdown, it was too expensive to run the site I gathered from the goodbye.

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Postby John » March 14th, 2008 5:58 pm

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Postby javiskefka » March 14th, 2008 6:15 pm

Hehe, it's a classic. I like the host Stephen :D .

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Postby James » March 14th, 2008 11:03 pm

Ahaha, Stephen's pronunciation of "안녕하세요" makes me cringe!
I have .flv and .rmvb files of all LSK episodes. They're fun. The series is available on DVD with accompanying workbooks, if I'm not mistaken. I don't know where to buy them though. :roll:

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Postby the_haunted_boy » March 15th, 2008 12:46 am

John wrote:

Thanks, but I want them on DVD, also I want the older season, without Stephen and Lisa. Eventually I want those episodes too, but I want the original season first.

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Postby holdfast » March 18th, 2008 7:06 pm

there are over 200 episodes of LSK on youtube. i find them very helpful as well.

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Postby tormsen » March 19th, 2008 7:43 am

I think the Stephen and Lisa season is the most useful out of all the seasons. It definately has the most material. The lack of a native Korean speaker is a bit glaring though, but the native speaker host and teacher in the first season were pretty much boring and wooden. Getting gyopo Kim Young in season three helped a bit, but season three ended too soon, and the pace in which it increased in difficultly was too slow.

Using all three seasons extensively is probably the best bet.

I haven't seen much of that Homey Korean show because the first couple of episodes made me want to stab myself in the face. As much as catering for Chinese, Japanese, English and Spanish speakers is really cool, its not a patch on LSK. Although if they'd made Lisa Kelley into Brian Joo's neighbour, and put in less culture class and more language class, I reckon they could have had something gold.

Does anyone know much about the competing Korean language study shows? Hello 안녕하세요! on KBS (?) and that other one?

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Postby James » March 19th, 2008 2:53 pm

the_haunted_boy, I don't know why you'd want the Ahn Chakhee season first before the Stephen & Lisa. The lessons don't continue in the new seasons. They all start with the basic greetings and go from there. Also, you'll learn more conversational Korean with the Stephen & Lisa series. But, hey, to each his own.

tormsen, Hello 안녕하세요! is really nice (from what I remember). I haven't had time to watch a lot of those. There is a lot of Korean spoken there and the format is good. The 'EBS lang' with 수잔 is very entertaining (and cute) but it goes on too long without covering that much material. 30+ minutes to learn how to say "How much is this/that"? No thanks.

Homey Korean is very basic. I would only recommend watching if you either have a crush on Chris or Brian or you like claymation (in 아라리쇼) Even then you wouldn't remember jack from the lessons because you're just checking Chris out and his tight shirts the whole time. Hmm, OK, I'm should probably end this now before I totally embarrass myself :shock: :oops:

Too late. :lol:

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Postby the_haunted_boy » March 19th, 2008 3:45 pm

I like the older episodes is because each of those are much longer episodes than the newer ones, the newer ones are only 10 min per episode. Also there was an even newer season without Stephen. I would actually like to have all the episodes of all the seasons, but I would like to start with the older ones.

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Postby steved » March 19th, 2008 3:48 pm

I haven't seen any of these shows. :(
When I was in Korea last year there was a show on tv that was teaching English with native English speaker. I thought it was very goofy. It made me laugh, more at the "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" feel to it than at the content.

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