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Ipod Differnet albums for different levels

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Ipod Differnet albums for different levels

Postby deaddingo » February 17th, 2008 12:29 pm

Hi KClass101

I have just started to learn Korean and have got the RSS feed linked to Itunes which updates my IPOD. The only problem is that there are now 327 differnent things within my podcasts for koreanclass101 which makes it a tad difficult when trying to select the next track.

Would it be possible to do the following things:

- have all lesson double numeric (e.g 01, 02, 10, 11, 21, 22) so the lessons display in the correct order.

- Have different albums for different levels. At the moment that are all listed under the Premium feed label. It would be better if all the newbie, beginner, intermediate etc etc etc lessons were in different albums. It would make things a lot easier when listening on the move.

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Postby Keith » February 19th, 2008 7:14 am

Hi deaddingo,

Thanks for the requests!

Actually, for the numbering system, we number it in a way so that our database is organized in a manner where we can locate each file easily. But we DO tag the albums for each lesson before they are sent out. But when sending it out, it gets re-tagged by the feed. So everything is simply labeled " | Premium Feed"

If organization is the worst problem for you, I'd suggest downloading directly from the site, and not iTunes. If you download from the site, all the files will be tagged appropriately. The lesson name, Artist, and Album will all be there, with TRACK numbers as well. Downloading from iTunes will have all albums labeled the same.

As this may be a bit more work on your end, I'll see what we can do on our tech side.

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Postby austinfd » February 22nd, 2008 5:56 am

What I did was make a smart playlist. You can set various rules to organize things anyway you want...and you don't have to do manual downloading

I have a separate one for audio blogs and intermediate lessons. This also allows the computer to play the files in order, whereas in podcast play mode it just plays one file and stops at the end.

I'm making some videos!:

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » February 24th, 2008 7:51 pm

austinfd wrote:What I did was make a smart playlist. You can set various rules to organize things anyway you want...and you don't have to do manual downloading

I have a separate one for audio blogs and intermediate lessons. This also allows the computer to play the files in order, whereas in podcast play mode it just plays one file and stops at the end.

Yes, smart playlists are your friend.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way around the feed issue. Smart playlists make a really nice workaround though.

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