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Confused on how this should be pronounced: 각

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Confused on how this should be pronounced: 각

Postby freyjarocks » July 6th, 2014 2:44 am


I am new to learning Korean. I have a language learning textbook and it gives the example 각(gak) to pronounce. I thought that the first character would sound more like a k sound with the last sounding more like a g sound. Kinda of sounding like kag. Any help would be great.

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Re: Confused on how this should be pronounced: 각

Postby community.korean » July 10th, 2014 3:02 am

Hi there,

The best way to learn proper pronunciation would be to listen to native Koreans.

So please follow the link below: ... sonants-1/

In the above lesson, you will hear 가. So please add the ㄱ batchim to 가.

Hope this helps!


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