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Naming New Flashcard Deck

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Naming New Flashcard Deck

Postby erikamhong7340 » November 20th, 2011 12:09 am

When creating a new deck in flashcards, how do I rename it so it doesn't show up as something so generic as "New Deck"?

jaehwi Team Member
Posts: 159
Joined: June 17th, 2011 7:36 am


Postby jaehwi » November 21st, 2011 2:03 am


This is Jaehwi from

When you open your new deck on the Flashcard, you can see the small pencil icon on the right side of the title. You can click this icon to edit the title from New Deck to your own title.

I hope this helps.

Thank you.

- JaeHwi Lee /

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