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Basic Bootcamp Lesson #2

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Basic Bootcamp Lesson #2

Postby reg38307 » September 16th, 2011 8:31 pm

I cannot seem to get Lesson #2 in Basic Bootcamp to load. The other 4 lessons load properly. Can anyone offer any assistance?

jaehwi Team Member
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Joined: June 17th, 2011 7:36 am


Postby jaehwi » September 20th, 2011 12:45 am

Hello, Reg38307.

I'm Jaehwi from

Thank you for letting us the issue.

We've checked the lesson at ... structure/ (Lesson 2 Basic Bootcamp) and we couldn't find the problem to listen the audio file.

There could be some issues on cache (the previously downloaded files) or some other issues. To check which is the reason to make the problem on your computer, could you check the lesson with different web browser such as Google chrome or FireFox? If you have no problem of loading the lesson on different web-browsers, please delete cache files and try to load it again. If you'd still have the same problem, please let us know.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you.

- Jaehwi /

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Postby reg38307 » September 20th, 2011 8:30 pm

Thank you Jaehwi for your response. I may not have made my issue completely clear. I can listen to the audio from the main Bootcamp page, but when I click on the Visit This Lesson link, the page for Lesson 2 does not load completely. I get the normal header for the page down through the ratings information, but nothing after that. I see none of the normal links visible on the other pages and cannot access the comments link taht dows appear on that page. I have no problems with any of the other lessons except lesson 2. I have listened to the audio and was hoping there were some Lesson notes to go along with it as well as some of the other links available in the other lessons.

Thank you for your help.

jaehwi Team Member
Posts: 159
Joined: June 17th, 2011 7:36 am


Postby jaehwi » September 21st, 2011 12:21 am

Hello, Reg38307.

I'm Jaehwi from

Thank you for letting me know the details.

I've checked the lesson page on different web-browsers, and all worked fine as of now. For most cases, this issue happens when there are some issues on the Cache or Web-browser setting.

Since other pages are working fine, may I introduce alternative links that you can listen to the lesson and download the pdf files? ... structure/

This is our mobile webpage for the lesson. You can listen to the lesson and check comments on this webpage.


Those are the links for related materials such as

PDF note : ... ass101.pdf
PDF note lite: ... bedded.pdf
Download MP3: ... ass101.mp3

We're sorry that we couldn't help you fix it completely, but I hope those alternative ways would help you listen to the lesson.

Thank you for your understanding.


Jaehwi Lee

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Joined: June 20th, 2010 1:32 am

Postby reg38307 » September 21st, 2011 8:07 pm

Thank you 고맙습니다, Jaehwi. I those links accomplished what I needed. I will look into my browser settings and cache to see if I can find out why that page would not load. I may get another browser to see if that helps, I currently only have IE.

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Postby tky_intern_01 » September 26th, 2011 1:10 am

Hello, Reg3807.

We're glad to hear that those links are helpful.

Thanks again for letting us know the issue. If you have any questions about Korean language or any technical issues, please let us know anytime.

Thank you. 감사합니다.

- Jaehwi /

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