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About 일반동사 (동작동사) "Action Verbs"

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About 일반동사 (동작동사) "Action Verbs"

Postby timandyou » March 30th, 2011 4:08 am

Hello everyone~~ :wink:
This is Tim from
Throughout this post, I'd like to mention about 일반동사 (동작동사) "action verbs".

Please keep in mind this!!!
In learning Korean, to know 동사 어간 "verb stem" is a MUST to know about! All most every conjugation rules in Korean (many useful expressions) start from knowing and defining 동사 어간 "verb stem".

Here are lists of 일반동사 (동작동사) "action verbs"
1. 하다 [hada] "to do" - is the verb stem

2. 가다 [gada] "to go" - is the verb stem

3. 오다 [o-da] "to come" - is the verb stem

4. 먹다 [meoktta] "to eat" - is the verb stem

5. 보다 [boda] "to see" - is the verb stem

6. 듣다 [deut-tta] "to listen" - is the verb stem

7. 말하다 [mal-hada] "to speak" - 말하 is the verb stem

8. 읽다 [il-tta] "to read" - is the verb stem

9. 쓰다 [sseu-da] "to write" - is the verb stem

10. 맡다 [mat-tta] "to smell" - is the verb stem

11. 서다 [seoda] "to stand" - is the verb stem

12. 앉다 [an-tta] "to sit" - is the verb stem

13. 입다 [ip-tta] "to wear" - is the verb stem

14. 벗다 [beot-tta] "to take off" - is the verb stem

15. 만나다 [man-nada] "to meet" - 만나 is the verb stem

16. 헤어지다 [he-eo-jida] "to part from" - 헤어지 is the verb stem

17. 기다리다 [gi-da-rida] "to wait" - 기다리 is the verb stem

18. 공부하다 [gong-bu-hada] "to study" - 공부하 is the verb stem

19. 놀다 [nol-da] "to play" - is the verb stem

20. 타다 [tada] "to ride / to take" - is the verb stem

Now, you know about those 20 "action verbs" and their 'VERB STEM' as well!
If you remember those 20 verbs, you wouldn't have much difficulties to communicate with Korean.
Thanks for your time and study.
Please feel free to give me any advice and comment on this post.
Hope this post helps you give the profound insight into the 'VERB STEM'.
cheers, 여러분 힘내세요~~ "Go Go everyone~~~"
Tim 8)

ps. For more practice on 'VERB STEM', please give a listen to "Lower Intermediate Season 2"

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