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Premium feed doesn't give me the dialogue tracks

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Premium feed doesn't give me the dialogue tracks

Postby adamturner78372 » September 28th, 2010 9:07 am

I want to download only the review track and dialogue track and lesson notes for review without the main audio. Everytime I try with my premium subscription it gives me the review and lesson notes but not the dialogue track.

Also, when making titles don't write out long titles fully spelling beginner Season three. Just beginner S3 or something. There is not enough room in on the display to see long titles properly on my ipod touch.

It would be better to have the main lesson grammar point on top when you see the dialogue translation on the display so we can keep that in mind when only listening for audio. Many of the listeners will be using audio only.

ALWAYS use hangul for dialogues after beginner season 2. If people haven't learned hangul by then they will probably never make much progress. Romanization is not that useful.

Is there any way to integrate the ipone word builder online and apps with the lessons. It is not well integrated. All the lesson vocab should be in the wordbuilder to help review when we are mobile. Many basic words are missing.


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