Ok this first shot is just to show off me and my motorcycles at the rear door of the church building. Finding parking is a real problem there on Sunday, but with my motorcycle I can park anywhere.

This next one is a shot of the front of the building in the morning before the traffic gets congested. The church was constructed in a converted "Circuit City" electronics store, after that company went out of business. In addition to a huge sanctuary we have many classrooms.

Ok this next photo is just to prove that I actually go inside for the service. the photo was taken at the very beginning as people started coming inside. When the service actually starts every seat is usually filled and people are standing in the back. In the Los Angeles area there are probably over a hundred Korean churches, some of them are as large or larger than ours.

Now here is the best photo of the bunch, our Korean school office. Unfortunately of all the rooms in our church facility our Korean school got the worst ones. It's upstairs in a busy, noisy area. The office isn't bad but in the next photo you will see 'cubicles' on the left, and that is where the classes are held - a different cubicle for each 'skill' level.

Finally, one of my favorite photos: Here is about 1/3 of our dinning area. After service everyone partakes of a nice Korean meal.. well not always so delicous, sometimes it's just soup and rice and kimchi - but it's free! This is a great time to practice Korean - the fellowship after service. But don't be surprised if you find they want to practice English with you.