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Someone asked for easy movie to just listen to

New in Town
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Someone asked for easy movie to just listen to

Postby Monkey_Monk » January 21st, 2009 2:14 pm

Sorry, I can't find the thread where someone was asking for an easy movie to listen to in Korean.

I found one that seems like it would be pretty easy. I'm new and I could understand some of what was being said. The name of the movie is "A Moment to Remember". It is the story of a young woman with early Alzheimers who falls in love and gets married.

The dialogue is great for us who are learning Korean because the lead female actress often repeats her questions or thoughts, and no one speaks super fast in the film.

BTW. It's a great film and it's on-line at mysoju (the last link is broken, but if you go to YouTube and start around part 22 or 23 and view to 26, you'll be able to see the ending.)

New in Town
Posts: 13
Joined: September 1st, 2008 3:33 am

Postby Monkey_Monk » January 21st, 2009 2:20 pm

BTW can anyone find a link to the DVD with Korean subtitles. I usually order from YesAsia, but in this particular DVD all the options are: Chinese and English or Japanese and English Subtitles.

This is one movie I would like to transcribe line by line what the people are saying, because I think this will help me with verb recognition in all the different tenses.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can find that DVD with the Korean subtitles.

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