Taliana wrote:I'm curious, so indulge me XD How often do you spend a week studying Korean? Including reviewing, going over notes, anything like that.
I'm at about the same at 10-15 hours a week. Here's the breakdown:
- I jog 5 times a week for 45 minutes at a time. While I jog, I listen to the lessons. I also repeat lessons; sometimes only dialogues.
- In addition, I use blank flash cards
http://www.biggerbooks.com/bk_detail.as ... 1556370816 for new concepts, vocabulary, phrases - anything and everything gets written down on these cards. I take a stack of them everywhere I go and do comprehension checks at various times throughout the day.
- I also have one of those mini composition books where I write down questions and insights, as well as ideas for translation. I also try to form new sentences and thoughts in this notebook.
- I also go through the KC101 .pdfs for spelling, grammar, and insight into certain conjugations as well as more examples. It helps to see the written form of the dialogue. I also print off select lesson .pdfs to study in depth.
- I'm slowly working through two different textbook series also. the KLEAR series
http://www.hawaii.edu/uhpress/realaudio/klear/beg1/ and Ewha's Pathfinder series
- I also do a penpal system with a couple of friends. This is where I can ask some specific translation questions pertaining to spelling, meaning, and proper use of grammar. I also get to see a lot of colloquialism and common spellings (or misspellings I should say

) of some words.
- I meet with a couple of different friends on the weekends. Each friend has a specialty. One is my slang-and-curse-word teacher, another is my culture teacher, etc. After that though, there are times when we get together just for fun, of course.
- Lastly I like to keep up with Korean music. The study aspect for music is listening comprehension and following along with lyrics for pronunciation practice. I like to use GOM player
http://www.gomlab.com/eng/ because it has a slowdown feature for audio (as well as being a lightweight all-purpose media player)
So, if I were to sum up in time? At least 10-15 hours a week but oftentimes up to 20 hours a week - spread out evenly. I find learning Korean to be quite challenging but very rewarding at the same time. I plan on taking the TOPIK test, so I'm constantly mentally prepping myself for that. Really though, a lot of it is self-motivation.
Other than 10-15 hours a week of study time, I suppose I spend about 5-8 hours a week on just entertainment stuff. Korean news blogs, podcasts on culture, music videos, writing for KC101's blog, etc. This part of "study" kind of brings it all together for me.
What does everyone else's study schedule look like?