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Best Drama for practicing listening skills??

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Postby pucca246 » August 28th, 2008 2:13 pm

Haha - Keith, I wish!
Seriously though when i am watching a drama it is like a super long movie, even though the plot lines are similar and you know that all will end well (well the ones i have seen so far have!) aqnd here in UK we have nothing like this on TV!
Can anyone recommend a shorter one - as they all seem to be at least 16 hours long - and I just have to watch it all ASAP when I start!

:?: 왜 한국 드라마는 중독성이 있어요??

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what happened to

Postby sarahk » September 5th, 2008 12:32 am is back!

The best "short" dramas are Korean movies... like Le Grand Chef...and 200 Pound Beauty...

and watching korean dramas have helped my vocabulary & comprehension tremendously!

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Re: what happened to

Postby shanshanchua » September 6th, 2008 2:31 pm

sarahk is back!

What happened to I thought it had shut down forever!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: what happened to

Postby pucca246 » September 8th, 2008 10:28 am

sarahk is back!

The best "short" dramas are Korean movies... like Le Grand Chef...and 200 Pound Beauty...

and watching korean dramas have helped my vocabulary & comprehension tremendously!

I have seen 200 pound beauty movie (well actually it is one of the 40 korean movies we own!)
I see "le Grand Chef" is also a movie, I will have a look at that too, but it was Korean Drama I was asking about.

I was getting serious withdrawal symptoms when Mysoju went down! :shock: Thank goodness it is back - but if it goes down again - does anyone have an alternative site whare you don't have to wait to daownload to watch?

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Re: what happened to

Postby Pamela246 » September 8th, 2008 9:12 pm

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! went down again! (spoke too soon!!) I was half way through "Le Grand Chef" - fortunately i found and was able to see it through there! Phew!

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best drama to practice listening

Postby matinga » September 9th, 2008 2:41 am

I love Korean tv, dramas and movies and watch a ton. My vocab, pronunciation and context comprehension improve with every show.
Full House is very helpful to me. It was my very first Kdrama and it holds a special place in my heart. Although it is a bit dated and the drama itself has been out done by the likes of Coffee Prince, Kim Sans Sung, and even better ones, I find it easiest to understand the dialog.
The script is very childish and repetitive and characters speak in short, predictable lines a lot. There is not much action in the plot so the characters face the camera most of the time when they speak. It is a cute and very innocent story line (even though it does tend to drag on a bit) and the actors are dang pretty :oops:

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Postby julier » September 13th, 2008 3:38 am

Hello everyone! It is my first post here. I've been watching dramas for about 6 yrs now. I'm a drama-addict, but especially addicted to fan-subbing. I'm part of a fan-subbing team and "time" subtitles...a translator gives me a notepad file w/line by line translation, then I apply it to the video. I love it because I have to listen to the video closely and figure out where the subs should come out. Timing really really helped w/ my ability to hear Korean. It is a great hobby for someone like me...I love dramas and learning Korean. So, if anyone is interested, just let me know. Warning... it is a time consuming hobby- it takes me 4-6 hrs per episode.

My first drama was Winter Ballad (super melodrama!), but I was hooked. I like the longer family dramas for learning Korean culture...the tiny details of what to make for dinner can be an issue in these dramas. These days, I'm following SBS's Happiness. I like saguek dramas too and am excited about KBS's Kingdom of The Wind, which continues the Jumong story. Of course, the saguek dramas aren't the best for learning everyday Korean.

For drama watching, you can download directly at:

Links to subtitles are there as well.

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Postby julier » September 14th, 2008 1:41 am

Oops...forget my aigoo link for now... :oops: I guess KBS is going after places like Youtube for uploading dramas, and because Aigoo is very popular, it has been taken down for now to not risk a legal issue. Direct download links can still be found on the drama threads at

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Postby xiandi » September 14th, 2008 6:22 am

Hi Julier...

I've been downloading kdramas thru d addicts... and I have watch most of your projects :D .. thanks to you guys and your team in with s2... you make our addicting hobbies a thousand times more addicting as it seems...

For those who wish to find threads in downloading korean dramas, better check this site:

They're the best fan subbing team that will satisfy your kdrama needs and of course... little by little will enable you to learn and understand korean language and culture...

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Postby matinga » September 14th, 2008 1:05 pm

Wow Julier...
What a labor of love. At least you should know that with each hour of subbing you put in, you are changing the world for many, many, many people. I, for one, would probably know very little about Korean culture if is wasn't for contributions like yours.
One thousand times 감자함니다 !!!!!

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Postby julier » September 14th, 2008 8:38 pm

Oh thanks so much! It is a labor of love! Just wanted to share the new link for aigoo, which came today after a domain move.

For all your downloading needs, check it out!

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