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Korean Dramas,,

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Korean Dramas,,

Postby ekdud7310_231081 » June 14th, 2016 7:38 am

There are a few Korean dramas that claim immense popularity in Korea as well as abroad. These include 대장금, 다모, and 주몽. Are there others worth watching in the historical drama genre? And what do you think of these shows??

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Re: Korean Dramas,,

Postby community.korean » June 15th, 2016 5:43 am


Thank you for posting. Recently there have been a few 'historical fiction' K-Dramas (mixing fiction with real history) that have been popular, in comparison to traditional, fact-based historicals. Some examples would be '성균관 스캔들' and '구가의 서''. Other dramas that were popular (traditional historical dramas) were '동이' and '이산'.
Hope this answered your question.

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