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Transcription Request: Two kinds of happiness...

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Transcription Request: Two kinds of happiness...

Postby hwnstylez6298 » May 26th, 2011 2:44 pm

실레합니다, 여러분. There's a really inspiring narration that Taecyeon gives in the last episode of Dream High. I've included the video clip and the narration I speak of can be found at these intervals (0:57-1:50). I've begun to attempt to listen and transcribe it but a few words are spoken too quickly for me to catch by ear. I've included the video link and after it, the english translation. If anyone can spare a minute or two to transcribe the Korean I'd be grateful. (0:57-1:50)

"There are two kinds of happiness in the world. One is a happiness that you realize after the fact. The other is a happiness that you feel in the moment. The happiness in the moment is so rare that they say you can live your whole life on the light that shines from remembering it. I think we’ll go on remembering this moment, today, like that kind of happiness….that we can remember for the rest of our lives... the moment we shined."

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Re: Transcription Request: Two kinds of happiness...

Postby manyakumi » June 3rd, 2011 5:18 am

Kind of late though, I wish this could be helpful to you still.

hwnstylez6298 wrote:There are two kinds of happiness in the world. One is a happiness that you realize after the fact. The other is a happiness that you feel in the moment. The happiness in the moment is so rare that they say you can live your whole life on the light that shines from remembering it. I think we’ll go on remembering this moment, today, like that kind of happiness….that we can remember for the rest of our lives... the moment we shined.

세상에는 두 가지 행복이 있다고 했다.

하나는, 지나고 보면 행복했었구나… 알게되는 행복과

또 하나는, 바로 그 순간이 행복하다 느끼는 행복

그 순간이 행복하다 느끼는 행복은 너무나 귀해서

그 순간을 추억하면서 평생을 살 수 있을만큼 빛난다고 했다.

아마 우리는 오늘, 이 순간을 그런 행복으로 기억할 것 같다.

평생 추억할 수 있을만큼 빛났던 순간으로...


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Been Around a Bit
Posts: 16
Joined: May 22nd, 2011 12:43 pm

Postby hwnstylez6298 » June 3rd, 2011 10:49 am

감사합니다! 드림하이 잔짜 좋아해요 :) I just love collecting quotes, thanks for your time I really appreciate it!

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