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날아라 허동구 (BUNT)

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Joined: October 9th, 2007 5:36 am

날아라 허동구 (BUNT)

Postby austinfd » October 11th, 2007 6:32 am

"날아라 허동구"라는 재미있는 영화를 추천해줄게요. 첫째 본 시간에는 영어 자막도 한국 자막도 못봤어요. 그 DVD를 대학로에서 샀는데, 그렇게 하면 산 DVD들이 조금 이상 할 수 있어요.

그때 조금 걱정 헸어요. 다 이헤할 수 있어요?

어쨌든 봤어요. 제가 시나리오를 80% 이해했고 이야기를 40-50% 이해했어요. 좀 이따가 후에 다른 자막 있는 DVD를 샀어요.

I want to recommend a great movie called "날아라 허동구" The English name is "Bunt." The first time I bought it I had to watch it without any subtitles. Sometimes, when you buy DVD's on the street they can have problems!

The movie is about a kid with some learning disabilities, who joins his school's baseball team. He lives alone with his father who owns a chicken hoff. It raises some great issues about Korean education, and the lives of working-class poor. It is my favorite Korean movie. But I am a sucker for heartwarming stories about kids.

When I realized that I would have to watch it without English or Korean subtitles, I was a little concerned. Would I understand it all?

I watched it anyway. I was really surprised that I could understand about 80% of the story, and maybe 40-50% of the dialog. (The amount that I could have directly translated is significantly lower) Soon after, I bought another copy that had subtitles and got to fill in all the holes.

It goes to show that movie watching is such a great learning tool because the image is closely related with the sound track, and can provide a lot of context. All those clues go a long way to aiding comprehension.

What movies do you recommend?

Expert on Something
Posts: 314
Joined: August 20th, 2007 3:08 pm

Postby Keith » October 17th, 2007 7:32 am

그 영화를 못 봤는데, 재가 가장 좋아하는 영화는 "친구." 그 영화 보고 사투리를 배우고 싶었어요. ㅋㅋㅋ :lol:

I never watched that movie, but my favorite movie is "Chingu." After watching that movie, I wanted to learn dialects ^^

Expert on Something
Posts: 251
Joined: October 9th, 2007 5:36 am

Postby austinfd » October 17th, 2007 8:11 am

Yes! That is a great one. I'd like to watch it again now that I speak some Korean. The movies are always more enjoyable when you pick up on the nuances that aren't subtitled.

I'm making some videos!:

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