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:skorea: 설날(seollal)- New Year's Day.

julialim Team Member
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:skorea: 설날(seollal)- New Year's Day.

Postby julialim » December 28th, 2009 8:50 am

:skorea: 설날(seollal)- New Year’s Day :lol:

Today, I would like to introduce 설날 to you guys.
설날 is one of the biggest traditional holiday(명절;Myeongjeol) in Korea.
We hold the ancestor-memorial services(차례;Charye) and then do a deep traditional bow to the elderly family members(세배;sebae).

My family usually prepare 차례 early in the morning on 설날 and do the 세배 in the afternoon. 설날 is my favorite holiday. Because my whole family get together and wish them each other a happy new year with well-wishing(덕담;Deokdam) and 세배.
And another reason is that I could get some money as I bow to my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. ^^ I am always waiting for 설날.

There is the traditional food which is 떡국(tteokkug).
you guys know that we get one year on New Year’s day(설날), we say that we get another one year by eating a bowl of 떡국.
(I sometimes joke “I am still 26 years old because I didn’t eat 떡국 yet!”)

설날 is just around the corner.
2009년 마무리 잘 하십시오!!

Don’t forget to say to people.
:D “새해 복 많이 받으세요.” (Saehae bok manhi badeuseyo), :D
which means that “I hope you have lots of luck this year”.
Say to people you meet in the beginning of January.

:P I will be back with Korean board game in 2010.

julialim Team Member
Posts: 390
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Postby julialim » February 15th, 2010 7:19 am

New year's day(구정)-
Now many people are moving to their hometown to have a New year's day with family. It may take about 9 hours from Seoul to Busan.

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julialim Team Member
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Postby julialim » February 15th, 2010 7:20 am

떡국 [tteokguk]
Sliced Rice Pasta Soup.
It's traditional food on 설날(new year's day).

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Postby trutherous » February 15th, 2010 5:04 pm

mmmm... yummy! Thought I check the forums before breakfast, now I'm hungry.

I've met Koreans who celebrate new year twice a year, lunar & solar calendar, I think I'll start doing that too because I need another holiday.

Wow! That is congested traffic!.... oh wait, I live in Los Angeles.. the 405, I-10, and the 101 look like that every Friday.

9 hours from Seoul to Busan ? woah! It usually only takes us 8 hours to drive from Los Angeles to our other property near Prescott Arizona, and that distance is 460 miles ! I forgot how long it took last October, when I took KTX from Seoul to Busan -- it seemed like only about 90 minutes

julialim Team Member
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Postby julialim » February 16th, 2010 6:09 am

Usually, It takes 3,4 hours by a car. :?
So many people think what time they will go and come back.
This is a big issue whenever a holiday comes in Korea.
And we need to make a plan for that.
For example, by a car or by a bus / this highway or another highway.

But I love "추석" and "설날".
Because all family get together in this time. We sit around and make some traditional food.
taliking and playing a game. Love it. lol :D :D :D even though it's difficult to get together. :lol:

julialim Team Member
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Postby julialim » February 3rd, 2011 7:27 am


제사상 차리기[jesasang charigi]: Preparing the food for the ancestral rites ceremony. :D :D :D

julialim Team Member
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Postby julialim » February 3rd, 2011 7:31 am


1열 시접, 잔반, 밥(메)과 국(갱)을 신위 수대로 올린다.
명절 차례에는 떡국이나 송편을 올린다.

2열 어동육서(魚東肉西) : 생선은 동쪽, 고기는 서쪽
두동미서(頭東尾西) : 생선의 머리는 동쪽, 꼬리는 서쪽

3열 생선탕, 두부탕, 고기탕 등의 탕류를 놓음

4열 좌포우혜(左脯右醯) : 좌측 끝에는 포, 우측 끝에는 식혜

5열 조율이시(棗栗梨枾) : 왼쪽부터 대추, 밤, 배, 감 순으로 놓음
또는 홍동백서(紅東白西) : 붉은 과일은 동쪽, 흰 과일은 서쪽

제사 준비 시 유의점

* 복숭아와 삼치, 갈치, 꽁치 등 끝에 ‘치’자가 든 것은 쓰지 않는다.
* 고춧가루와 마늘양념을 하지 않는다.
* 붉은 팥은 안쓰고 흰고물로 쓴다.

I think it will be a good homework for 조지 님 :wink: Right??

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Thanks Julia,

Postby timandyou » February 3rd, 2011 9:22 am

thanks for the post, Julia~~
저는 제삿상에 대해서 잘 몰라요~~ :cry:
많이 도움이 됐어요~~
Tim 8)

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31st December & New Year

Postby yimjsj » April 23rd, 2011 4:37 am

Thanks Julia for the post about Korean New Year. I also would like know about the activities on the end of the year and the international New Year.
What do people do on 31st of December and 1st of January? I know that that we have to go to see Poshingak, right? I read that the bell rung 33 times on that day. Why?

Thanks ^^

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