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Korean Art Society

Korean Art
New in Town
Posts: 2
Joined: June 8th, 2008 1:51 pm

Korean Art Society

Postby Korean Art » June 9th, 2008 2:09 pm

Hello Korean Art Lovers- I have started a non-profit organization called the Korean Art Society. If you want to be placed on the email list to be notified of events, please email me at . There is no membership fee. We have two special events planned for September that you should be aware of:

Korean Masterpieces in the Mary Griggs Burke Collection
September 12th at 10:15am
This will be a rare opportunity and an historical first-ever private group viewing of the Korean masterpieces in the Mary Griggs Burke Collection, often described as the largest and finest private collection of Asian art outside of Asia. The Burke collection has been exhibited at New York's Metropolitan Museum and other major museums. The Asia Society once had an exhibition based on a single early Korean Buddhist painting from the collection. Be prepared to be amazed by some very special and rare pieces. We are limited to a group of 20 for this visit, and already have 14 committed attendees. I encourage you to contact me now if you want to attend. I will make a waiting list after the list of attendees fills up. It will be quite some time before such a visit is allowed again, so it is very important that those on the attendees list let me know if they cannot make it so that those on the waiting list can be given an opportunity to attend. We are going to meet at 10:15 on the steps of the Institute of Fine Arts at 1 East 78th Street, at 78th Street and 5th Avenue. We are going to take a very short walk from there to the Burke Collection. If you are late, I am sorry but you will not be admitted. When you arrive at the Burke Collection, you will be required to leave all your bags, backpacks and packages in the lobby. Please be prepared to cooperate with this security requirement and to follow the requests of the board members and curators during the visit. They cannot accommodate individuals with walkers or wheelchairs, and discourage the use of walking canes.

The Lee Young Hee Museum of Korean Culture
September 6th at 11am
You're really missing out if you haven't seen the fine collection in this museum. Their collection of hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) is unmatched. In addition to antique and contemporary hanbok, you will see Korean furnishings, ornaments, and much more. We'll be generously treated to a private tour by the curator, Sung Jong Suk. We'll meet in the museum at 11am. Please don't be late. The address is 2 West 32nd Street, 3rd Floor. It's at the southwest corner of 32nd Street and 5th Avenue. If you plan to attend, please reply to this email. At, you can get an enticing preview of what to expect . Several of you have said that you'd like for us to have lunch afterwards in one of the many fine Korean restaurants on 32nd Street, so please join us for lunch, if you can.

We are planning more events. Thanks for your interest.
-Robert Turley

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