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I made a silly comic!

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I made a silly comic!

Postby ddong_gae » July 10th, 2008 1:39 pm

One of my classes made comics in class today. Being a kidult I thought I would make one of my own. our ears hear thing differently!


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Postby hyunwoo » July 10th, 2008 2:42 pm

Hahaha GREAT 만화! :)

I wonder how to say "똥침" in English!! heheh.

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Postby SiEd » July 10th, 2008 3:09 pm

hyunwoo wrote:Hahaha GREAT 만화! :)

I wonder how to say "똥침" in English!! heheh.

I don't know if we have a clever way of saying this in English - it's just not an everyday activity (unless you're involved in some field of work where a lot of this happens - hint, hint).

butt-picking? (Not really - this really refers to anyone fooling around with their "crack")
butt poking? (Never heard this.)
And perhaps some other terms that need not be repeated here.

I guess the most creative way I've heard this was from a television skit years ago, where a homeless guy "misinterprets" the commonplace phrase, "pick your seat!".
"I'm trying to make a pun, but it's not punny."
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Postby ddong_gae » July 10th, 2008 4:24 pm

I think "Goosed" would be the English equivalent.
똥/똥꼬 - poop / butthole 침 - sting

BTW.. I have a Korean friend named 동진. If he wasn't a minister I would be teasing him to death!
Last edited by ddong_gae on July 10th, 2008 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby SiEd » July 10th, 2008 4:33 pm

ddong_gae wrote:I think the "Goosed" is what your looking for.

That's not exactly it either from my neck of the woods - where I'm from, to "goose" someone is to pinch or grope a butt rather than poke it. But I looked it up on and poking s.o.'s butt is another definition - and it's the lesser known one.
"I'm trying to make a pun, but it's not punny."
-Mas Widiyanto

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Postby ddong_gae » July 10th, 2008 4:45 pm

I guess it has regional definitions... ... 852AANHOCv

I had no idea...Well I'm off to drink some pop and have a hogie :)

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Postby holdfast » July 10th, 2008 6:33 pm

POP! gosh, that brings me back home. i grew up in minnesota but i have lived in tennessee for 5 years. there are so many english words that are different (not to mention the accent) that i used to get made fun of when i first moved here, but i've sort of adopted a sightly more southern... dialect? is that what you would call it? i dont know.. but i can happily say now that no one ever guesses i'm from minnesota, though they don't think i'm from tennesse either. i try to speak with as little accent as possible.

anyway, that was a random tangent.

so "똥침" is something someone does to someone else? (it is sentences like this that make me realize how ridiculous english can be)

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