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Weird People

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Weird People

Postby the_haunted_boy » May 22nd, 2008 12:54 am

Before I get into the question I must rant about something! :D I bet bored easily, :shock: that is why I am studying Korean because it is entertaining and takes up a lot of my time. I like to spend a lot of my money on expensive textbooks. Most of them do teach me a lot of language, but not a lot of culture so I am confused about something. When I am in public and do not have my mp3 player with KoreanClass101 on it or my other Korean textbooks I entertain myself by doing other things in public. Sometimes I go into a coffee shop and after I order my thing I ask the person to slap me. Sometimes when I am in the mall I tell the cashier he/she is pretty after buying my stuff. Also I dress up all the time like everyday is a Sci-Fi convention or a Renaissances fair. I yell at crickets.
My question is: (drum roll)
Are Korean people used to seeing weird people (like me) in public?

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Postby javiskefka » May 22nd, 2008 1:06 am

From my experience, I would think that they would either:

A. Assume that you're trying to sell them something or otherwise get their money
B. Try to discreetly get a good look at you to find out just what was going on, but not draw further attention to you

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Re: Weird People

Postby austinfd » May 22nd, 2008 2:56 am

the_haunted_boy wrote:Sometimes I go into a coffee shop and after I order my thing I ask the person to slap me. Sometimes when I am in the mall I tell the cashier he/she is pretty after buying my stuff.

Well, the younger generation is a lot different than their parents, but doing something like that in Korea would certainly get you A LOT of stares. That's probably all they do though. Then they would mumble about you under their breath to their friends, and maybe try to discreetly take a photo of you which would later be on their cyworld page.

Also I dress up all the time like everyday is a Sci-Fi convention or a Renaissances fair. I yell at crickets.
My question is: (drum roll)
Are Korean people used to seeing weird people (like me) in public?

There have been several comic-con festivals this spring in the area near my church. On those days, there are loads of hipsters dressed like their favorite manga characters. I'm not so into that, so I can't really say much more^^

Overall Korean culture is more "conformist" than American culture. People naturally fall into what is acceptable and follows social mores. Again, the current generation of students is probably going to influence a lot of relaxation and change. That will be an interesting dynamic to watch in the coming 20-30 years.

I'm making some videos!:

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Postby James » May 22nd, 2008 3:44 am


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Re: Weird People

Postby matthew254 » May 22nd, 2008 4:24 am

austinfd wrote: Overall Korean culture is more "conformist" than American culture. People naturally fall into what is acceptable and follows social mores. Again, the current generation of students is probably going to influence a lot of relaxation and change. That will be an interesting dynamic to watch in the coming 20-30 years.

Bam! someone buy this guy a beer! Couldn't agree more austin - not a bad nor good thing - it's just a thing.

I would think in Korea even doing something less "intentional" such as a different hairstyle would get almost the same reaction.

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Joined: January 26th, 2008 6:49 am

Postby manyakumi » May 22nd, 2008 10:54 am

You'd better not to act like that outside of Seoul area unless you are good at fighting one on 3 or more.
It might cause a trouble with the local scoundrels.
(i'm just kidding) :lol:

But it's true that you might have a kind of trouble. I think.
Because that kind of weird behavior can make you to be seen as a rude person.
To be rude is not so good in Korea. (almost dead :lol: )

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