I live in the US and as u know, here (at least...midwest edge of bible belt) it is culturally inappropriate to carry out any kind of private business in public. Even making out in public is frowned upon. You can't even discipline a wild child if people are watching. It is way too PC, if you ask me...
I travel abroad very often and once in the middle east, I saw a man sucker punch his wife and stomp her in the ribs while she was down....진 짜!!!! The locals did not seem to find it exceptional and went on with their business...
But you are right though, the majority of the times that I have seen public fights, the perpetrators are rabid women screaming at the top of their lungs

. The victims are usually cowering males.
It is some how funny when a woman loses it in the streets but it seems very scary to me when a man snaps like that. There is just so much more "someone's about to die" vibes when a man (Korean or otherwise) screams in anger...
I just thought it interesting how this issue is so much more displayed in Korean screens....