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Langenscheidt Pocket Dictionary

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Langenscheidt Pocket Dictionary

Postby John » March 30th, 2008 9:06 pm ... 585730564/

For those that do not have this book, absolutely under no circumstance purchase this idiotic piece-o-s--t, I purchased this and received it in the mail the other day. I specifically was looking for a Korean-English-Korean dictionary. What I got was a Romanized(Korean)-English-Korean dictionary, well ok great if everyone can figure out their specific romanization.

I got so frustrated with it I looked up words I already know in both languages....I could not find the word in the romanized side to find the English translation, so I had to look up the words in English to see how "they" romanized it so I could go back and look it up in the romanized side. Gah!! I really don't know why it's so hard to find just a HANGUL-English-HANGUL freakin' dictionary.

I absolutely hate, and despise Romanizations!!

I can't even translate a book I bought because I can't find the freakin' title of the book in the Romanized side of this useless peice of CRAP!!!!!!!!

O.K. sorry for ranting but I needed to vent to someone who might understand.

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Postby tormsen » March 31st, 2008 3:54 am

I remember buying one of them early on in my study. I was eventually tossed out of my apartment window. Romanisation is a hideous thing. But I never bother with paper and ink dictionaries, the dictionary on Naver is by far the best thing I've ever used.

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Postby xflibble » May 23rd, 2008 8:19 am

I find it to be a useful dictionary when speaking. The English to Korean translations are usually the right ones to *say*. Many other dictionaries are technically correct, but may be a bit too textbook.

So it's not without merit. Just be aware that the romanisation is annoying, mainly because it's so inconsistent. If it was romanised so that newbie western speakers could quickly try to find words based on sound, it might be helpful. Instead, you'll find things like ㅈand ㅊ romanised as ch and ch' respectively. I can handle that. However, ㅉ is romanised as tch, which will have you fumbling around for the romanisation guide, buried on page 15 instead of immediately on the inside cover where it would help the most!

In summary, the English to Korean dictionary content is brief and practical, particularly as a compact, quick reference when out and about and you need the right word to say. Korean to English is far less helpful, and you can get a tiny and better Minjeung's Essence dictionary for this purpose. If they cut the book in half, it would be great :)

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