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MNTV 생활한국어 VODs

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MNTV 생활한국어 VODs

Postby tormsen » March 25th, 2008 4:49 am

I discovered this website for MNTV, which is a television channel that caters to migrant workers living in Korea. Their Korean class program '생활한국어' is available on their website, and seems to be quite good. It appears to be almost entirely in Korean, but goes from beginner through intermediate. I have only watched a couple of episodes, but I plan to get through them all.

It's interesting to see this as a counterpoint to the korean language shows aimed at english-speakers. I've noticed that non-English-speaking foreigners are far more likely to be able to speak Korean than English-speaking foreigners. This is of course due to the pressures of necessity and the fact that English-speakers are more likely to come from a monolingual background. But I think making use of the resources designed for the migrant worker audience would also be of benefit to us, particularly those outside of Korea. The site also appears to have Korean news in many languages and some documentaries that might be good for those at an advanced level.

The amusing thing was I discovered this site by following a link on the Marmot's Hole blog that was commenting on a xenophobic anti-immigrant screed written by some guy called 전경웅. I'm also amused by how much more user-friendly the website is compared to the websites of the major Korean channels.

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