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Joined: January 24th, 2013 6:01 pm


Postby wilburnwhitley5452 » January 24th, 2013 6:07 pm

I understand conjugation pretty well but what I don't understand is finding the verb stems of each verb. Most verbs end in 다 but some do not and conjugating them is a little confusing. Is there a specific rule to follow for finding verb stems or is it something I will just have to figure out and get better at as time goes on?

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Re: Conjugation

Postby kc101com » January 29th, 2013 12:09 am

Hello Wilburn,

That is definitely a great question and yes there are rules even though exceptions always exist in linguistic way.

You could look up this video
:Intermediate Lesson #14 - Mind Your Own Business

This has the explanations on the grammatical changes on verb forms so it would give you some insights on that!

Please let us know if you do not understand well and would like to further ask!

We would like to answer for you anytime :)

Thank you

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