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short stories for beginners?

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short stories for beginners?

Postby kissja5302 » August 2nd, 2011 8:25 am


when i learned english in the last century, i read lots of books which were made for beginners with different levels (i.e. level 1->only simple present tense, 2-300 words; level 4->simple present/past/future tenses, 7-800 words). the story was always a well-known story with simplified text and grammar.
it was very helpful as a beginner.

my question: is there anything like this available (online or offline) for korean learners?

thanks in advance!


p.s. I <3 :-D

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Postby jaehwi » August 3rd, 2011 6:32 am

Hello, kissja5302

Thank you for your comment and the love! I believe that you are one of the most active learner of our website. Always thanks!

For English, yes, there are many books written in simple words and sentence structure so that learners can read and learn English. However, for Korean learning, there are not the books in this format yet. (I hope that there will be some)

So, in that case, I would like to recommend you read children's books. You don't have to buy physical books. You can simply download applications for children's book section from Apple's app store. If you search them by the keyword '동화', then you will be able to find some.

Korean children's book usually use simple words from elementary school textbook. However, its grammatical structure will be not that much simple unlike English one. So, it will be helpful to learn Korean by reading children's book, because you can still learn different types of grammatical structure.

I hoep this way will be helping you. If you want to find another way, feel free to ask us more.

Thank you!

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Postby trutherous » August 3rd, 2011 6:53 am

Korean children's books are a great place to start and there are many "series" books sets. There are so many series, in fact, that I cannot recommend any particular set -- the best thing would be to visit a Korean book store and decide which set best fits your level. You can also shop Korean book stores online but I think it is difficult to get a feel for the books without actually holding them and turning the pages.

Kyobo books is one of the largest bookstores in Korea

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Re: Hello

Postby kissja5302 » August 4th, 2011 6:51 pm

mohano6802 wrote:I believe that you are one of the most active learner of our website.

Yeah, I guess 한효주씨 is a very good motivation to learn Korean ASAP :D I want her autograph and English for contact her management was a bad idea.

However, for Korean learning, there are not the books in this format yet.

Bad news.

So, in that case, I would like to recommend you read children's books. You don't have to buy physical books. You can simply download applications for children's book section from Apple's app store. If you search them by the keyword '동화', then you will be able to find some.

동화 as a searching term was a good idea, I've found some stuffs on the net, so far Green Frog is the winner. 옛날 옛날...

Korean children's book usually use simple words from elementary school textbook. However, its grammatical structure will be not that much simple unlike English one. So, it will be helpful to learn Korean by reading children's book, because you can still learn different types of grammatical structure.

Elementary schoolbooks were my first idea too, but I didn't find anything on eBay (of course, I searched them in English :D )

Yesterday I found this site:
So far I didn't have too much time to explore the site, but it's quite funny :D

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Postby jaehwi » August 5th, 2011 12:27 am


The website is great. Daum is the second biggest web portal service in Korea, and they offer so many services for free. If you can check them frequently, I think that this site will help you a lot.

Also, I found this website. It is made by Naver, the biggest portal in Korea, and also the popular service. Please check this website too.

Thank you!

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Re: HI

Postby kissja5302 » August 5th, 2011 8:20 am

mohano6802 wrote:Hi!

The website is great. Daum is the second biggest web portal service in Korea, and they offer so many services for free. If you can check them frequently, I think that this site will help you a lot.

Also, I found this website. It is made by Naver, the biggest portal in Korea, and also the popular service. Please check this website too.

Thank you!

우와! 고마워요!

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Re: short stories for beginners?

Postby kdammers1039 » December 15th, 2013 2:32 pm

I find most children's books too difficult. Too many of the words are not in ㅡㅛ dictionary, either because they are not accepted as words ( baby-babble etc.), simply not in my dicitonary (e.g., 대고), because they are variations based on grammar rules (ㄷ.ㅎ., 사라지자). And many of the words have so many different meanings that it is very difficult to figure out what a whole sentence means, e.g., when two or three words have multiple meanings (e.g., 곰한테). These examples are all from a few lines in the children's book I am now trying to read. I must say, though, it is easier than the "baby books" I tried.

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Re: short stories for beginners?

Postby korea.innovative » December 22nd, 2013 4:58 am

Hey Kdammers,

That is good to know that examples help you better!

It is true that the verb conjugation could be one of most challenging parts for Korean but once you master, there is only way to go up.

We will do our best to help you through and please let us know whenever you have questions from our contents or even your books - we are more than happy to help you out right here!;)

Thank you

team KoreanClass101

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