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Study Techniques That Work!!! (vocab)

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Postby kmanley » January 3rd, 2009 1:26 pm

Th eipod thing is a great idea.

If any one wants to try it out without having to mak eup a bunch of flashcards try downloading Neo's Hanja ... a_main.htm
Which is a great program for learning Korean vocabulary (with the Hanja roots- which as Keith says is really the key to nailing it). The people behind it obviously put a lot of work into it.
Open it in Powerpoint then save the file as Jpegs. Drag and drop them into Itunes.
You'll have over 1500 flashcards made in an instant, enough to keep you busy for a long time. Neo separates them into levels, but you can go through them however you wish.
Now I just need a bigger screen on my ipod nano so I can make out the hanja...

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Postby dbsker » January 7th, 2009 4:40 pm

kmanley wrote:Th eipod thing is a great idea.

If any one wants to try it out without having to mak eup a bunch of flashcards try downloading Neo's Hanja ... a_main.htm
Which is a great program for learning Korean vocabulary (with the Hanja roots- which as Keith says is really the key to nailing it). The people behind it obviously put a lot of work into it.
Open it in Powerpoint then save the file as Jpegs. Drag and drop them into Itunes.
You'll have over 1500 flashcards made in an instant, enough to keep you busy for a long time. Neo separates them into levels, but you can go through them however you wish.
Now I just need a bigger screen on my ipod nano so I can make out the hanja...

Hi I downloaded the above - it looks good, however i am having problem putting in to itunes even though i saved as jpeg - any other idea how to save as flashcards?

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Postby John » January 8th, 2009 6:41 pm

It won't open for me in PP only in the '97 version it wants you to install.

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Postby kmanley » January 9th, 2009 5:11 am

dbsker, not sure why it isn't working for your ipod. you should be able to just go to 'Photos' in your itunes and set the folder you put all the jpgs in to sync. Maybe it is different in different versions of itunes.

John, I opened it with my powerpoint (office 2008) fine, just went into the program directory of Neo's Hanja and there were two powerpoint files there for me (Neo's Hanja and Neo's vocabulary).

If I can find an internet connection for my computer (traveling now) I'll upload the jpgs to a fileshare site like rapidshare so people can just download the jpgs direct. I'll send an email off to the guys at Neo first make sure they're okay with it. It's basically just putting a stripped down version of their program on an ipod so I think it'd be cool.

Just a note, this program can be useful for vocab even if you don't want to study the hanja. It has english and korean on each card so you can just pay attention to those bits if you want.

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Postby John » January 9th, 2009 2:58 pm

let me know how that goes for ya, I would be interested in getting those, I have 1000 Hangul flashcards but haven't converted very many of them to jpeg, it's tedious, to say the least.

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Postby kmanley » January 10th, 2009 12:09 pm

The guy that made the program, Beau Jackson, is happy to let anyone use the jpgs for any purpose, he would just like the site to be mentioned. (
He also said that "some of the 사자성어 are inaccurate in translation"

I agree that making the cards can be a pain. Perhaps as a community we could band together and try to find a file share site where we can all upload flashcards that we have made in ipod format. We could start a new thread and post links to our cards when we make them. That way we could take advantage of the group and only make a few cards but have access to a bunch.

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Postby gillesvdp » January 13th, 2009 6:54 am

Here is my own system of virtual flash cards... I use Excel~!

What I do is that I fill up a table with the voabulary (English in one column, and Korean in another). Then in another case, I just insert a function that randomly displays one of the Korean words below along with its translation.

I developed this tool myself because I do not have an Ipod and I am a bit of an Excel freak. :p

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