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share best itouch applications

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share best itouch applications

Postby stevy » May 24th, 2009 2:34 am

i just brought an itouch ;)

can we use this thread to share the best itouch learning korean applications ?

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Postby Alexis » May 24th, 2009 3:33 am

I have an iPhone.

Dunno about the BEST ones, as I'm cheap and don't buy any apps, but I'm waiting for someone to bring out a free Korean/English dictionary. Not sure whether it'll happen or not, but I can hope. XP The translators just don't do the same thing...
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Postby tbriley » June 26th, 2009 5:45 am

i'm still waiting on a decent dictionary. a combination of WeDict Pro and a stardict dictionary should do the trick, but it's a bit difficult loading dictionaries onto it. wifi track, stanza, and the's "dictionary" app are three apps that i use quite often.

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imtranslatorfor ipod?

Postby semm » June 28th, 2009 12:27 am

anyone ported IM translator to ipod or iphone?

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