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Making Hanja Mind Maps

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Making Hanja Mind Maps

Postby kmanley » March 14th, 2009 3:40 am

I recently read the Mind Maps book by Tony Buzan, hoping that it would help me with my study techniques. ( )

In it he talks a lot about extending your English vocabulary by learning the Latin roots to words, and I've been using the basic idea to create mind maps for the Hanja roots of Korean. I'm sure its been done before.

Here's an example of a page that I would make (using Microsoft OneNote)


As I learn new words I try to fit them onto different mind maps, finding that I can remember new words faster if they are linked to roots or other words that I already know.

OneNote allows me to add hyperlinks to other pages, for example in 자신감
you can click on 신 (body) and be taken to a page where that Hanja character is the root, or you can click on 자 ( for oneself) and be taken to it's page.

It's a work in progress, but I find recording words like this really helps me recall them (or figure out new words). 자신감, for example as "self body feeling" becomes easy to remember as "confidence". I don't actually memorize the Hanjas themselves at this point, but I find I can recognize a few of them.

You don't need OneNote, you could many programs- or just a pencil and paper.
The Hanja in the PDFs here is a good place to start, but I also found this website: that is a good searchable Hanja-Korean-English dictionary.

I fid that just making the mind maps teaches me many of these words, but it is also a good way to compile vocabulary lists to study.

Hope someone else finds this approach useful, or can maybe think of a way to improve my system

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Joined: November 16th, 2007 8:14 am

Postby neothinker » March 14th, 2009 6:56 am

Hi kmanley,

I too am very interested in mind maps and have created a few to help memorize grammar points from the Ganada Korean for Foreigners text books that I am using in conjuction with the materials on this site.

I just wanted to recommend an awesome book of Hanja roots and vocabulary in case you or any other forum members are unaware of it. The title of the book is Handbook of Korean Vocabulary by Miho Choo and William O'Grady. This book is readily available in bookstores in the US as well as in Korea. I highly recommend it! Here is a link to the book's page on

It would be great if you could share some of your mind maps with forum members by uploading them to free file sharing websites like I will endeavor to do the same and post the location here at a later date. Anyway, thanks for posting and good luck with your continued studies!
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