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오늘 재미있는 배운것을 가르쳐줄게요..

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오늘 재미있는 배운것을 가르쳐줄게요..

Postby mariefrenette » May 5th, 2008 1:40 pm

오늘은 홈스테이 엄마한테 "사자성어"를 배웠어요.
Today I learned a new expression from my homestay mother. "사자성어"

사자성어 뜻이 궁금해요?
Are you wondering what it means?

사= 4 (일, 이, 삼, 사)
자= character
성어= idiom/phrase

사자성어 is an idiom using just four characters.
And what is the coolest thing???!!! All of these are derived from Chinese characters. So if you know the meaning of each character, you can see logically why the idiom means what it does... Like learning Latin roots!

Keep in mind, these expressions are not necessarily used in every day speech except maybe as a bit of a joke. But they are used in writing, especially for emphasis. However, it can still be beneficial to take a look, because you can pick up some new vocab, and see how Korean symbols derive their meaning!

예를 들으면...

相扶 相助

相 서로 /상 mutual
扶 도울 /부 help
相서로 /상 mutual
助 도울 /조 help

일 있을때 도와주고
If there is any thing that needs to be done/any trouble, we help each other.
Mutual Aid/ Interdependence
I scratch your back you scratch mine

a 나 오늘 이사 가야 되는데...

b 이사!? 내가 도와 줄게

a 너 바쁘지 않아?

b 괜찮아... 상부상조라는 말도 있잖아

Language Exchange is an example of 상부상조.

錦 上添 花

錦 : 비단/ 금 gold
上 : 위 /상 above
添 : 더할/ 첨 add
花 : 꽃 / 화 flower

좋은 일이 생겼는데 더 좋은 일이 생길때.
Adding luster to something that is already brilliant. The icing on the cake, the cherry on top!

a 오늘 커피숍에서 커피 마셨는데, 무료로 케익을 받았어!.

b 우와~ 진짜 좋았겠다.

a 응. 완전히 금상첨화였어


日就月 將

日 : 날 /일 Day
就 : 나아갈/ 취 take, complete
月 : 달 /월 month
將 : 나아갈/ 장 future

매일 매일 굉장이 좋아질때 일취월장 얘기할 수 있다....
To make progress day after day and month after month. To make steady progress

a 요즘 너의 한국어 실력이 많이 좋아진거 같은데...

b 하루에 2시간씩 공부하고 있어.

a 그래!? 일취월장하고 있으니까, 내년에는 완벽해 질거야

세형 오빠, 도와줬어서 진짜 고마워요! 서울로 올라갈때 맛있는 것을 살게요. ^^

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Postby Keith » May 6th, 2008 3:47 am

wow.... amazing :shock:

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Postby shanshanchua » May 6th, 2008 4:52 am

In Chinese this is called 成语 or idioms. They are still pretty much in use in daily conversation, especially if you want to emphasize a point. As you said, they bring out the meaning very effectively with just 4 words. If you want to show off your Chinese, just use some 成语 and people will be impressed. :D

When I was in high school here in Singapore, I had to memorise 250 of these and their meanings! :shock:

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