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Can't download the .m4v version of the video lessons.

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Can't download the .m4v version of the video lessons.

Postby leahbrkorn6411 » January 3rd, 2012 4:14 am

I've tried to download a couple of the quicktime versions of the video lessons and although the download starts it won't complete. The window gives an error saying that the source file can't be located. Is this a problem with the site? With my set-up? Any way I can fix this? Thanks for the help in advance.

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Re: Can't download the .m4v version of the video lessons.

Postby devakikumar22_227407 » December 4th, 2014 9:43 am

I too have the same problem.cant download.some one please guide me.

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Re: Can't download the .m4v version of the video lessons.

Postby team.relationships » December 15th, 2014 4:26 am


Thank you for your message. Can you send us an e-mail to ?


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