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Help , I can't see my lesson notes

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Help , I can't see my lesson notes

Postby babygirl » October 3rd, 2010 9:08 pm

I have the adobe installed but I need some kind of download for korean : I see absolutely nothing on my notes, no english , no korean. What's wrong? I really want to study!! :(

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Joined: March 12th, 2010 9:12 am

Hello babygirl,

Postby timandyou » October 4th, 2010 12:44 am

This is Tim from KC101.
Sorry for the inconvenience you've been facing now.
I really don't know what the matter is but, I can give you some help for that.

Why don't you directly sent email to

I am sure they will take care of your problem.

Tim 8)

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