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beginner season 3 PDF's in chinese?

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beginner season 3 PDF's in chinese?

Postby shoppergx1210 » July 18th, 2010 3:53 pm

Hey there, am working my way into beginner S3 and have discovered that many of the PDF's seem to be written in Chinese instead of Hangul. Anybody know where i can access these lessons in Hangul. Can't read Chinese.


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hello shoppergx1210

Postby timandyou » July 20th, 2010 1:19 am

"Hello shoppergx1210,"
This is Tim.

I'd like to check the lesson.
Can you verify your point by giving the exact lesson number?
Which lesson was it?
I will be waiting for your response.

Tim 8)

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beginner season 3 PDF's in chinese?

Postby shoppergx1210 » July 22nd, 2010 3:53 pm

thanks for the reply:) In the podcast, Beginner S3 it appears that any PDF titled "lesson notes" are all in english and chinese. Under the heading "Korean Hangul" are chinese characters. PDFs titled "lesson notes lite" have the actual korean hangul.

In the pod cast lessons 1-4 have not "lite" PDFs, but these 4 are in english/korean.

Lessons 5-7, and 16-25 have both "lesson notes" and "lesson notes lite".

Lesson 8-15 have no "lesson notes lite" leaving only the english/chinese versions.

The case appears to be identical at the learning center.

If there are "lesson notes lite" or other PDF's w/o the chinese, please let me know. The PDF's are extremely useful for me as i'm frequently on the go.


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Hello shoppergx1210,

Postby timandyou » July 23rd, 2010 12:56 am


I will report them to our tech team.
I am very sorry for its inconvenience.
Thanks for letting us know about the problem.

Tim 8)

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Postby julia3202 » August 16th, 2010 3:04 am

I've seen several pdfs come up this way, but interestingly, the reader itself makes a difference. I'd say that reading a pdf from ITunes can generally cause this problem. Loading it from AdobeReader is more reliable on a Mac platform.

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