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Cannot connect iPhone app w/my Premium acct

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Cannot connect iPhone app w/my Premium acct

Postby pelenius » April 23rd, 2009 6:32 pm

I purchased the KC Pocket Korean Elementary (1-10) app on my iPhone as it is a much better interface than using the website on iPhone. But, although I have a Premium subscription, all I can access is ten lessons. I would like to access all the ones I'm studying.

Is this possible? I cannot find a logon anywhere except on the first-time greeting page, but that is only for new accts.


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Postby shanshanchua » April 25th, 2009 9:00 am

Actually that is not possible. The two are not linked. What you purchased are those 10 lessons only.

It's my wish that KC101 would come up with a way for subscribers to load all lessons onto their iphones, with a great interface!

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Postby pelenius » April 28th, 2009 4:05 am

Really? Wow, that's lame. And a shame, too, as the 1 ~ 10 interface is great: all lesson notes, audio, pronunciation are all there & easy to access. I am doing the audion on the iPod function, but it's a little dorky to use. I'll muddle through though. Thanks for the reply!

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