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problems in the dialogues

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problems in the dialogues

Postby phil_sammut » December 22nd, 2008 8:47 am

in a lot of the dialogues - the ones that appear on the ipod - there is not Hangul just the romanization.

just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues.


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Re: problems in the dialogues

Postby hyunwoo » January 7th, 2009 2:28 am

phil_sammut wrote:in a lot of the dialogues - the ones that appear on the ipod - there is not Hangul just the romanization.

just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues.


The seperated dialog tracks are also embedded with Hangul. ^^

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Postby phil_sammut » January 19th, 2009 9:26 am

Thanks for replying Hyunwoo but i am still having the problem. Let me more clear with an example

Beginner S2 #21 -the ipod notes have 3 things - the hangul, the romanization, and the translation

but for most other ipod notes there is no hangul, just the romanization and translation. just wanted to know if that was only me and my ipod or if others are having the same problem.

i would really like it if i could get the hangul - reading the romaniztion is hard. :)


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Postby Tokyo_Ben » January 22nd, 2009 2:50 pm

Hi Phil,

I am getting the same thing as you. I think they stopped posting the Hangul in the ipod notes. It looks like you'll have to get the pdfs to read the Korean.


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Postby nilfisq » January 22nd, 2009 9:30 pm

as hyunwoo said: if you select the dialog track, instead of the complete lesson audio track, you'll be able to see the hangeul transcript. the podcast files of every single lesson come in different tracks, right? audio, review, dialog, lesson notes, video vocab... so just select dialog and you'll find the hangeul transcription.

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Postby Tokyo_Ben » January 22nd, 2009 10:19 pm

Oh that's what he meant. Thanks, nilfisq. But I'm a basic subscriber, so I don't get the Dialog tracks. I just view the PDFs while listening if I'm at my PC.

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Postby phil_sammut » January 25th, 2009 2:20 am


cool thanks,

i am also a basic subscriber. it was just strange that some of the audio lessons had the hangul but most didn't.

again thanks

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