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Little FAQ with lessons

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Little FAQ with lessons

Postby philiamelas_231184 » July 14th, 2016 8:33 pm

Hello! :D First of all, thanks for this awesome website! Lessons are so interesting, and easy to understand, and there is all the time someone to help students! I create this topic because I would like to suggest something about lessons, which could be interesting and useful according to me...

→ There are all the time a lot of questions related to each lesson. Some of them are recurring, others are very interesting: we just need to look at comments to see it!

→ Unfortunatly, people don't have always the courage to read all the comments, because they are so numerous... So, they ask again and again the sames questions!

→ So the proposition here is: it would be cool if we have a FAQ (Frenquently Asked Questions) for each lesson, which sum up the most frequently and interesting questions! Let's imagine: for example, the FAQ could be located at the very begining of the comments (below the lesson's description and underneath the comments): in this way, everybody could see them!
Then, people would avoid to ask again and again the sames questions, they would find more quickly theirs answers, and moreover it would be less of work for staff! :wink:

It's up to you to judge! What do you think?

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Re: Little FAQ with lessons

Postby team.relationships » October 19th, 2017 2:30 am

Hello Philiamelas,

Thank you for posting.
We’ll consider your feedback for our future development.
Let us know if you have any question.
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