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Grammar Bank!

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Grammar Bank!

Postby bgagnonius » February 25th, 2010 4:37 am

Will you please fix the Grammar Bank! It's really hard to look up grammar structures with the current system. I know many grammar topics have been covered in multiple lessons but it's really hard to search for them. Please help make it easier!

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Postby julia3202 » August 13th, 2010 4:46 pm

I have to agree. If I am looking for a specific expression, there is no way to find korean version of an english expression, unless I have some idea of the korean expression already.

The search should also allow you to find constructions from specific lessons or in the grammar bank.

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Hello julia3202 and bgagnonius,

Postby timandyou » August 16th, 2010 2:36 am


Thanks for giving us thoughtful advices related to the Grammar Bank.
We buy your idea (personally I really do)!
But, it's really hard for us to change the system in a day.
We need time... Please give us time... Sorry for the inconvenience...
We will do our best to satisfy our customers' needs and wants.

Tim 8)

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