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Postby JockZon » August 18th, 2007 7:07 am

I would not give up the studying of korean because the similarities aren't 100%. I like to think and come to conclusions when studying a language. You get "AAAH That is hos it is." For instance I've thought a lot about the similarities between Swedish and English. For instance the word impress and the words intryck is the same but with slightly different meanings. Intryck (In = in, press = trycka) means impression and when you think about the meaning. To press in, it sounds really funny in Swedish. To really squeeze something in hehe.

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Postby kc8ufv » August 18th, 2007 8:23 pm

JockZon wrote:Actually Swedish has tones hehe well it's not entirely like in chinese and it's not official but we have a bunch of words with the same spelling but with different sounds and meaning. Some are words in plain form vs words in plain form and some are words in plain form vs words in definite form, for example.

I know what you mean about unofficial changes in pronounciation changing the meaning. I remember explaining this strange stress accent we have in English to someone who has been here in Ann Arbor, MI for about 2.5-3 years. In the example I used, (I forget the sentance) I just moved the stress from one end to the other, (I didn't change the wording at all) and completely reversed the meaning. This was after hearing a joke over the radio. Both a shop owner and customer were reading a sign. The customer read it with one set of accents that made it sound like he would be recieving free services from the shop owner. The shop owner read it with accents in different spots, thus reversing the meaning of the entire statement.

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Postby steved » August 20th, 2007 5:46 pm

There is a sign on a sandwich shop here that says "two foot long sandwiches' or something like that. Depending on where the pause in the sentence goes it could imply two sandwiches that are one foot long each or one two foot long sandwich.

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