Hi Rooraa
I’ve been studying for about a year (I think January ’07?). I spent the first few months learning Hangul and basics. It’s gone a lot quicker, after I discovered Integrated Korean online at Indiana U, and this site.
My name is actually Jason but because that was already registered when I joined the site, I just made up “Jaesun”. In Hangul my name is 제이슨.
Yes, manga and mangwha are art! I’m a fan, too. I should look around the forums here to learn more about mangwha. I mean, there are soooo many sites about Japanese manga, Korean graphic novels are not as accessible.
I agree that
mariefrennette's story is the best. Didn’t Marie post about 시주? I’ve lost track of that conversation. I mean I totally
can't find it. Isn't that stupid? Anyway I found a site with a whole bunch of 시주. It is entirely in Korean.
On the left, click on the "문학 베움터" button. Then on the next page there is a link for "시주 해설". A whole list of poems, with commentary (I think, my Korean is not great!)
Who else will tell what brought them to 한국말?