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Korean Sunday School. Eek!

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Korean Sunday School. Eek!

Postby Alexis » September 8th, 2009 10:44 am

Hey everyone! I haven't posted on here for a while.

Anywho, I've recently made some Korean friends at work. Yay! One of them gave me a few general details about Korean Sunday school, put on by her church, where they teach Korean to Korean people who don't know it fluently. And I'm starting on Sunday! I'm kind of nervous. I don't really know what to expect, aside from the fact that I'll most likely be the oldest person in the class! (The other students will probably be teenagers!)

Has anyone had any experience with Korean Sunday school before? Anything I should expect? :? I really want to go, but I'm also a little apprehensive. :| :skorea:
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Postby shanshanchua » September 9th, 2009 11:39 am

I don't have any experience with Korean Sunday School, but if there's one here where I live, I'll be the first one to sign up! :)

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Postby Keith » September 9th, 2009 10:39 pm

Hi Alexis!

I went to Korean Sunday School when I was a kid. A lot of it was for parents who wanted their kids to learn Korean. So you might find a lot of unmotivated kids who are forced to be there. But at the same time, there will also be motivated kids who really want to learn Korean.

But that's the catch! I think most of them will probably be kids! So you might be a little uncomfortable, but if you can overcome that then it should be very helpful I'm sure. Do you have someone to join the classes with you? That might help.

Anyway, good luck and enjoy!

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Postby Alexis » September 13th, 2009 11:45 am


Well, I had my first day today! :lol: And Keith was right: it was for kids! :lol: Thankfully, though, the teacher was really nice and she only had 3 kids in her class. :P So anywho, my friend introduced me to her, and I got given a couple of text books and such and practiced my writing with the kids. She even asked me to say some stuff in Korean and read stuff. HAHA. I was embarrassed at first, but I got used to it after a while. LOL. It was held in a local high school, and I was amazed at how the place was transformed into this... Korean... school! LOL. Was amazing to be around so many Korean people and ONLY Korean people! :P

Despite the fact that I was clearly the oldest person in the class, I'm gunna keep going. I'm not sure how much I'll get out of the lesson content, per se, but just being in an educational Korean context made me feel really motivated to learn as much Korean as I can. I figure if I combine it with what I learn from KC101 here, I'll hopefully learn quite a bit! :P Hopefully... :D
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Postby matthew254 » September 13th, 2009 1:31 pm

I was hoping to hear a good experience :) glad to hear that it was strange but good ^^

Good going and please keep us informed. For those whgo never had the chance to go, it's an interesting topic.

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Postby dtymazda » September 16th, 2009 6:15 pm

Good luck, even if you decide ultimately that it isn't all that comfortable, you may find out there are adult Korean classes in the community that you may not have known about before. I was lucky to stumble on the class I attend, which is made up of all adults, but the class wasn't advertised and I really found out about it in passing from talking to someone else about my interest in Korean. But even if not, do your best and have fun with it, don't let a little discomfort keep you from your goals.

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Postby Alexis » October 6th, 2009 4:48 am

Hi everyone!

I've continued going, and it's actually been really good! This past weekend, I had a one on one lesson, 'cause the other 3 kids didn't show up, so it was just me and the teacher, which was great! :D I talked to her about what she did for Chuseok (well... I asked what she did in Korean, but I couldn't say much else. LOL) and she just taught me which was great.

Also, the headmaster-type person is hoping to start a class for other adoptees (like me) and other adults (like spouses) who want to learn ABOUT Korea and who also want to learn the language. So I'm really excited! I may have started something!

BTW, this is totally off topic, but Seon Deok Yeo Wang (Queen Seon Deok) (I can't type in Korean on this computer) is really good. Everyone should watch it! :P
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Postby shanshanchua » October 6th, 2009 7:17 am

That's really great, Alexis! I"m so envious!!! :)

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Postby Alexis » October 7th, 2009 12:55 am

Yeah, going to the school's good.

However, being adopted is not something you should envy. But that's a whole 'nother story. :wink:
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Postby shanshanchua » October 7th, 2009 7:23 am

yeah, i meant the going to school part :D

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