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KC101 Member Info!!! ^_^

Been Around a Bit
Posts: 18
Joined: September 9th, 2008 8:19 pm

Postby jeroen888 » April 24th, 2009 7:30 pm

Ok it took a while to read all that.. my turn:

Age:20 (23 jun 1988)
Place of birth:Leiderdorp, Netherlands
Furthest location travelled:San Francisco
Places you want to go:Australia, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Thailand, every island on this planet, South-Africa, oh yeah and the Moon
Spoken languages:English, Dutch, a little Korean, Spanish and German
Written Languages:English, Dutch, Korean, Spanish
Languages in the process of learning:Korean, Japanese
Hobbies:Listening to music, meeting people, watching music (concerts, for real or on TV), watching movies, learning scientific stuff (from Scientific American :D)
Occupation:Student, English teacher
Education:almost BA Aerospace Engineering, almost BA Computer Science, first year Korean Studies
Favorite Movies:I don't really like making choices like that.. I'll give anyone who's interested a list, cause I rate every movie I see and keep a list of that :P
Favorite Bands:Still don't really like choosing.. But OK, Hamasaki Ayumi, 이효리, Darren Hayes
Favorite Video Games:The Legend of Zelda (The Ocarina of Time, Master Quest)
Ultimate Goal:To not live in one place for too long, work in one occupation for too long, and meet many interesting friendly people

New in Town
Posts: 9
Joined: October 26th, 2008 1:45 am

Postby dingguya » April 27th, 2009 2:40 am

Name: Daan (단희 according to my GF ;))
Age: 24 (1984)
Place of birth: The Netherlands (now living in Vancouver, Canada)
Furthest location traveled: South Korea!
Places you want to go: South Korea (again), New Zealand, Japan
Spoken languages: Dutch, English (little German, little French)
Written Languages: Dutch, English (little German, little French)
Languages in the process of learning: Korean of course!
Hobbies: Playing/learning guitar, music, movies
Occupation: Web Developer
Education: Bachelor in Industrial Information Sciences
Favorite Movies: Garden State (and lots more, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Donnie Darko, 빈집, 올드보이, 파이란, 엽기적인 그녀)
Favorite Bands: Radiohead (and lots more like Bush, Foo Fighters, Land of Talk, Incubus, etc. See more here)
Favorite Video Games: NHL 09 on PS3
Ultimate Goal: Being able to communicate in Korean well

My girlfriend is Korean and that's the main reason I joined the site!

New in Town
Posts: 2
Joined: May 9th, 2009 6:17 pm

Postby hwaiting » May 9th, 2009 6:35 pm

Name: Kaylee / 세희
Age: 15
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Furthest location travelled: From Korea to the U.S. when I moved, I guess...;;
Places you want to go: Korea
Spoken languages: English, some Korean
Written Languages: English, Latin, some Korean
Languages in the process of learning: Korean, Latin
Hobbies: Drawing, listening to music, watching korean movies and dramas
Occupation: Student
Education: Currently in high school...
Favorite Movies: 우리들의 행복한 시간, 그녀를 믿지 마세요, 괴물, 도레미파솔라시도, 클래식
Favorite Bands: Super Junior, Epik High, Monday Kiz, SHINee, Clazziquai, etc...
Favorite Video Games: don't have one anymore;;
Ultimate Goal: To go to Korea again and to become a lot better at Korean >___<

Been Around a Bit
Posts: 36
Joined: November 26th, 2008 8:09 pm

Postby syn70 » May 19th, 2009 3:00 pm

Name: Syn (신)
Age: 34 (35 in Korean age?)
Place of birth: Caguas, PR.
Furthest location traveled: Frankfurt am Main (Bundesrepublik Deutschland aka Germany)
Places you want to go: Korea, Europe (many parts of it)
Spoken languages: English, Spanish, and enough German to survive there.
Written Languages: English, Spanish, and that bit of German that I needed to live there, oh and Korean now... sort of right?
Languages in the process of learning: Spanish and 한국어
Hobbies: Learning Korean.
Occupation: I am a student.
Education: I completed a Associate's of Science in Computer Programming degree.
Favorite Movies: Ground Hogs's Day
Favorite Bands: too many but DBSK is at the top
Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Final Fantasy X (Tidus is what brought me to love DBSK... yah... long story...)
Ultimate Goal: To know lots of Korean, to GO to Korea for a vacation, and to be happy as well!

I blog my progress at

New in Town
Posts: 7
Joined: May 26th, 2009 9:00 am

continuing the trend

Postby citromarissa » June 24th, 2009 12:56 am

Name: Marissa
Age: 23
Place of birth: NY
Furthest location travelled: Pusan, Korea
Places you want to go: China, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, NZ?
Spoken languages: English, French, Korean?
Written Languages: English, French, Latin, Korean?
Languages in the process of learning: 한국어
Hobbies: learning languages, Tae Kwon Do, martial arts, traveling, reading, music
Occupation: ESL Teacher, Pusan, Korea
Education: Le Moyne College
Favorite Movies: Matrix, LOTR, A League of Their Own, Bruce Lee, (there are loads)
Favorite Bands: Ninedays, NFG, Beatles, and many other singers
Favorite Video Games: Lego Games, anything Mario
Ultimate Goal:err to enjoy life?

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