Age:20 (23 jun 1988)
Place of birth:Leiderdorp, Netherlands
Furthest location travelled:San Francisco
Places you want to go:Australia, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Thailand, every island on this planet, South-Africa, oh yeah and the Moon
Spoken languages:English, Dutch, a little Korean, Spanish and German
Written Languages:English, Dutch, Korean, Spanish
Languages in the process of learning:Korean, Japanese
Hobbies:Listening to music, meeting people, watching music (concerts, for real or on TV), watching movies, learning scientific stuff (from Scientific American

Occupation:Student, English teacher
Education:almost BA Aerospace Engineering, almost BA Computer Science, first year Korean Studies
Favorite Movies:I don't really like making choices like that.. I'll give anyone who's interested a list, cause I rate every movie I see and keep a list of that

Favorite Bands:Still don't really like choosing.. But OK, Hamasaki Ayumi, 이효리, Darren Hayes
Favorite Video Games:The Legend of Zelda (The Ocarina of Time, Master Quest)
Ultimate Goal:To not live in one place for too long, work in one occupation for too long, and meet many interesting friendly people