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Link to blog post on Korean Flag doesn't work

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Link to blog post on Korean Flag doesn't work

Postby shanshanchua » December 25th, 2008 8:22 am

Has anyone else pointed this out? The link to the blog post on the Korean flag doesn't work.

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Postby Taliana » December 25th, 2008 3:54 pm

If you check the blog itself, you'll see it's because that post isn't actually there. I think it was accidentally posted, before the author realised they meant for it to be posted at a later date (I think it's Matthew that writes his posts in advance and schedules them to appear later).

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Postby matthew254 » December 30th, 2008 3:33 am

sorry for the late response.

yeah my bad everyone. i forgot to click "publish" and the blog entry was in limbo for a few days. here's the link in question: ... rean-flag/


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