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If Korean --> English = Romanized then what's . . .

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If Korean --> English = Romanized then what's . . .

Postby rooraa » July 26th, 2008 5:36 pm

I was using the awesome korean lyric program that 현우씨 had kindly posted up and it got me thinking, if writing hangul using the english alphabet is called romanizing then what is it called when you use hangul to write Japanese? Like so koreans can sing along to their favorite Japanese songs (like TVXQ's 도우시테 키미오스키니낫테시맛탄다로우 Why Did I End Up Falling For You :D )

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Postby holdfast » July 26th, 2008 6:20 pm

i have never thought of what it would be called, but writing other languages in hangeul is really really REALLY fun. ^^

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Postby rooraa » July 26th, 2008 6:42 pm

ㅎㅎ, what other languages have you tried to write in?

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Postby SiEd » July 27th, 2008 2:11 am

How does hangeul handle "clicks"?

Like in English, we write "tsk, tsk" or "tut tut" for tongue clicks done behind the teeth.
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Re: If Korean --> English = Romanized then what's . . .

Postby hyunwoo » July 27th, 2008 3:49 am

rooraa wrote:I was using the awesome korean lyric program that 현우씨 had kindly posted up and it got me thinking, if writing hangul using the english alphabet is called romanizing then what is it called when you use hangul to write Japanese? Like so koreans can sing along to their favorite Japanese songs (like TVXQ's 도우시테 키미오스키니낫테시맛탄다로우 Why Did I End Up Falling For You :D )

Hmm... When you use 한글 to write Japanese (한글로 일본어를 쓸 때) .... that's a tricky question (어려운 질문이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ) - I don't think there's a name for it ... just... 한글로 쓰기 :D :D :D :D

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Postby hyunwoo » July 27th, 2008 3:51 am

SiEd wrote:How does hangeul handle "clicks"?

Like in English, we write "tsk, tsk" or "tut tut" for tongue clicks done behind the teeth.

한국어로는 "쯧쯧" 또는 "쯧쯧쯧" 이라고 해요 ^^ ... =firefox-a

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Postby holdfast » July 27th, 2008 7:54 am

ah.. 그렇군요..

i have written in:

english - 하이 마이 네임 이스 에밀리 나이스 투 밋 유!

japanese - 아리가더우 거사이마스!

chinese - 니 하우 워쉬 에밀리.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 너무 재밌네요! 꼭 해 보세요!

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Postby rooraa » July 28th, 2008 7:52 pm


Spanish: 호리 미 놈브레 에스 에스테파니야. 고모 에쓰닸?

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