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Life in Korea

Expert on Something
Posts: 178
Joined: January 5th, 2009 5:37 am

Life in Korea

Postby Alexis » July 14th, 2009 10:57 am

Hello wonderful KC101 community!

I have a massive favour to ask those of you who:

1. Have lived in Korea before.
2. Have been to Korea for an extended period of time.
3. Have worked in Korea for an extended period of time.
4. Are living in Korea NOW.
5. Are Korean and have Korean families.
6. Have just had... lots of other experience/s in Korea and Korean.

As you all know, I'm an adoptee. I also love to write. I'm currently in the (large) planning process of writing a memoir or an autobiographical novel. I need some first hand advice/help on what it is to have experiences in any of the above.

This might all seem a bit convoluted and general, but I really don't want to divulge a lot of information publicly. If you'd be willing to help (which I'd GREATLY appreciate), or you'd just like further information, please DO e-mail me at: . I would SERIOUSLY appreciate your time, help and advice. :D
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