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Been Around a Bit
Posts: 21
Joined: July 24th, 2008 10:22 pm


Postby molores » June 30th, 2009 9:08 pm

Hey, hoping you could help me out... i've got a question for you lads in korea... trying to go for a short trip to boryeong this july 14-15 but i'm concerned there won't be any more bus tickets on the day itself and no more accomdation left (even minbaks)...
seeing i'm not in seoul yet, i'm not sure how to reserve a bus ticket or if i even need to reserve a bus ticket.. as for the accomodation, anyone ever been there who just went down without reserving any accomodation? is it possible to still get a space to sleep in?

many thanks!!!!!

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Postby austinfd » July 2nd, 2009 5:36 pm

It's probably already to late to get a room for the Mud Festival (I'm assuming that's what you want to do). You can get train tickets in advance, but you'll need to be in Korea to do that. If you are already there, most large train stations have self-service ticket terminals (in English). When I went to the mud festival, my friends and I got train tickets and just made a day trip out of it. Bus tickets can be bought in advance, but they usually aren't unless its a major holiday. And even so, most buses don't have ticketed seats, so you might be able to cram into one on the morning of.

The Mud Festival is an insanely popular foreigner event, and all the accommodations at the beach are reserved far in advance.... they are also very expensive. When are you planning on being in Seoul? ... cid=580007 is the tourism site, they are going to be your best source if you aren't in country to make your own travel plans.

If you do find transportation to get there, you might find a hotel in the city itself (which is a short bus ride away from the beach).

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Been Around a Bit
Posts: 21
Joined: July 24th, 2008 10:22 pm

Postby molores » July 3rd, 2009 3:21 am

hmmm a day trip doesnt sound bad at all... maybe i'll just pop into a bus and then buy a return ticket as well?

I'll be in seoul on the 7th but i plan on going on the 14th maybe.. so can i just buy the train/bus ticket on the day itself and do i buy a return ticket in seoul as well or buy 2 one way ticket?

thanks so much for helping!!!! ^__^

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