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Reserving motels that haven't any websites

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Reserving motels that haven't any websites

Postby clownshater » June 30th, 2009 10:06 am

Hi everyone!
I'll be in Korea this August and I booked everywhere I wanted except in Jeonju because the adresses of cheap and apparently nice motels I've came across don't mention any websites, only a phone number.
As I'm living in France and my korean is really bad, I wanted to know if someone had an advice for booking in this kind of places?

Thank you very much!

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Postby gillesvdp » June 30th, 2009 4:29 pm


I know KNTO (Korea National Tourist Office) can make any reservation on the behalf of tourists if you visit their offices in Seoul. I have done that a few times to book motels, ferries, and others things; and everything was always perfect. They were very helpful.

But I imagine you want to book in advance, so you could try to contact them and have them make the reservation on your behalf.

Since you are in France, you could try to contact the French Branch of KNTO:

Code: Select All

Office du tourisme / Korea Tourist Office
BP 169
Tour Montparnasse (4ème étage)
75755 Paris Cedex 15
telephone / phone :
fax :

Otherwise go directly for the main office in Seoul (the one I talked about above):

Code: Select All

CIT de l’Office National du Tourisme Coréen
40, Cheongyecheonno, Jung-gu
100-180 Séoul
telephone / phone : 82-32-1330 (24h/24)
fax : 82-2-7299-497

Information coming from this website:

Main website:

Bonne chance!

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Postby clownshater » June 30th, 2009 5:46 pm

Thanks or Merci, I don't know where you're from ^^
It's great advice, I didn't even think about it!!
I'm gonna try with the french office, I think there won't be any problem :)

Thank you really much, I'm litteraly (literally?) saved !!!
Have a nice day or evening !!


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Postby manyakumi » July 1st, 2009 3:55 am

They might not need any reservations in advance.
Booking a motel is not so common in Korea.
Good luck!


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Postby clownshater » July 8th, 2009 11:59 am

I know it is not always necessary to book for a motel, but as I'm coming in August and it's period full of tourists, I can never be too sure.
I f I was alone, I would just wait and go directly to Seoul tourist office, and I guess they would still find me something, but I'm with my father, and if I tell him I have nothing booked yet, he won't understand and be really mad and all..

I did asked the KNTO office in Paris, but they don't make any hotel reservation and "nicely" told me that "indeed, it is almost impossible to book a yeogwan if you don't speak Korean". I asked for they advice in case they couldn't book for me, but it's the only answer I got. I'm really mad at them!

I send an email to the KNTO international webmaster, and they can do reservation but they don't have any contact with the motel I looked for...
What can I do???
I'd like to stay in a guest house in jeonju too, like Yasangchae or another because it seems affordable and very nice to sleep in, but still don't how to book for that..

I really need help :)

Thanks again!

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Postby manyakumi » July 9th, 2009 6:46 am

clownshater wrote:but they don't make any hotel reservation and "nicely" told me that "indeed, it is almost impossible to book a yeogwan if you don't speak Korean".

I'm afraid to say that it's true.

If you got any informations of where you want to sleep in, just let me know.
I guess the only way to find out is to call them directly.
And I'm willing to do that for you.
I'm not in Jeonju though.


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Postby clownshater » July 9th, 2009 3:56 pm

Well, I was aware of the situation about phoning to yeogwan...The problem isn't that it's only in Korean, because I might have been able to manage it in some way (I only studied it for a year but I can say the dates and stuff, but I'd rather not to), but phoning from France is sooooo expensive, I don't even want to know!
Maybe I can try Skype because they are offering a month of free call throughout the world ?

Other than that, if you're located in Seoul, instead of phoning yourself, maybe you could ask the KNTO office to phone, because according to what gilles said, they can do it!
It would be a great help if you could do that, but I don't it to be a burden for you, I really don't want to disturb!

But if you do have some time, here's the phone number and names of the place I would be interested to go to (many places in case nothing's available..)

Hanseong Yoegwan 063 288 0014
Good morning motel (kut moning mot'ael) 063 251 9948
Yangsachae guest house +82-63-282-4959 (I found the website for this but sending an email doesn't work!)

If you managed to do it, I don't know how I am going to thank you! Maybe a drink when I'm in Seoul?

Have a nice day :)


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Postby manyakumi » July 14th, 2009 9:39 am

Hi, Marine.
I've just called all of them and found they all work.
Just let me know your schedule and how many people your crew will have.
And of course your full name. ;)


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Postby clownshater » July 14th, 2009 11:07 am

Oooohhh thank you so much!!!! I was gonna wait being in Seul and go to Tourism Office but this way is much more reassuring!!!
So they all have rooms available in August???? That's great :)

Well, if I do have the choice, I think I'll go with Yangsachae guest house because the place seems so beautiful, and it's not mch more expensive than yeogwan!

So, I will arrive in Jeonju during the evening of August 8th and will depart on August 10th, so it's like check in around 7pm and check out aroud 9 am or depending on the guest house policy about checkt out time!

So it makes 2 nights in the guest house, and I will be with my father.
'I'd like a "twin room" if it's available or 2 single rooms according to the availabilities).

My name is Marine DIDIER, and my father's name is Jacques DIDIER. I hope it won't be too much trouble to pronounce and to be understood in the guest house ^^

That really is great news, again thank you so much!! I don't know how I can thank you?? I can offer you some naeng myon or coffee or whatever when I'm in Seoul!

Have a nice evening :)


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