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Interesting small places?

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Interesting small places?

Postby sinnae404 » March 8th, 2009 9:22 am

Hi guys,

Visiting Korea in April (first time back since living there in 06-07). I'm looking for a good break from Seoul for a couple of days, some kind of small town would be great. Do you know of anywhere good?

I've been to Chuncheon, Boseong, Soraksan, Gyongju and Jeju before - anywhere else you'd recommend? I haven't been anywhere on the west coast besides Incheon - is there anything out that way?


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Postby hyunwoo » March 9th, 2009 4:28 am

What kind of places are you looking for? :) Resort? Nature? City? ^^

- Hyunwoo

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Postby sinnae404 » March 9th, 2009 10:20 am

Probably a nature spot - somewhere that's a good opposite to Seoul. Not a resort, maybe just somewhere to experience a simpler Korean life.


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Postby javiskefka » March 9th, 2009 12:43 pm

I heard that there are a lot of small islands dotting the southwest coast in 전라도. Those might be interesting to check out. :)

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Postby sinnae404 » March 10th, 2009 6:23 am

That sounds you know any specific names or where I could get some more info?


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Postby javiskefka » March 10th, 2009 12:08 pm

There were a couple fairly dedicated editors on the Galbijim wiki that wrote a lot of articles about Jeollanam-do. You can find lots of ideas here, probably:,

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Postby sinnae404 » March 13th, 2009 1:52 am

Thanks Javiskefka,

There's some great info there, I'll check it all out.


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out of the way places

Postby dudeguy2 » March 13th, 2009 3:15 pm

My wife is Korean and she's from Nam-hae, an island off the southern coast of Korea and a very scenic place. Admiral YI Sun Shin was killed there during one of the Japanese wars and they have a memorial to him and also a life size replica of a Turtle Ship. It's really quiet and peaceful with blue skies and lots of fishing boats. If you decide to go there I'll be in Korea for a little while in April so shoot me an Email and I'll give you directions.

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Postby sinnae404 » March 17th, 2009 2:48 am

Sounds interesting! I'll do a bit of research on that one.
Might be just what I'm looking for.
Do you know of any info on the web?

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Same question

Postby clownshater » June 9th, 2009 1:02 pm

I'll be visiting Korea for the first time in august, and I really don't know where to focus my travel because when I go somewhere I want to go everywhere but I don't enough time or money, so I'd like to go to nice places, with nice landscapes, nature and typical of "rural korea" if I could say it this way..I just don't really want to go to cities only because that's never the most beautiful...

So if you have any recommandations, pictures to make up my mind, it'll be nice :)
I already know I want to go to Kyeongju and Chejudo, but I'd like to go to Cheollanamdo and cheollapuk do too, but don't know exactly where !!

Thank you :)


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Postby AndyS1987 » April 20th, 2010 2:00 am

If you're looking for the small-town feel in Korea, heading southwest of Seoul is a good bet. A cool trip is driving through some small towns to the Yellow Sea. You will find some real old-fashioned towns that are the total anti-Seoul, and some delicious and quaint seafood restaurants. I went with my gf and her family south of Suwon and eventually through Tae'an to the western coast. The beaches were amazing too.

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