음.....Can someone traslate the korean birthday song for me.....? It's quite silly but that one line 사랑하는 ____ gets me. Something about love, i know that much at least.
Oh and I found this somewhere on a website so I'll just post the whole thing here:
Here's a funny version of the Birthday song in Korean!
We learned this to sing to my friend on his birthday.
Wae tae o natni
Wae tae o natni
Argudo motsenkyoso
Wae tae o natni
Roughly translated it goes something like "Why were you born, why were you born, you're not even handsome, why were you born?"
Can someone give me the song in 한글? Romanized is not the way to go!
Oh yeah, can someone type out (in 한글 of course) the little song they sing before they play Catch the Mouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1riWGpU ... re=related and 디비디비딥 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1riWGpU5UY? And what does 마리 mean? Muchos gracious (look at that 3 lanuages in one post =])