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한국경기! Any fun korean games/songs? & the bday son

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한국경기! Any fun korean games/songs? & the bday son

Postby rooraa » May 13th, 2008 12:29 am

So on korean variety shows, I've watched and laughed at the people playing fun games like 디비디비딥, Catch the Mouse, and 가위바위보 (rock, scissors, paper). Is there any other popular games that koreans play just to pass the time? Or I would like to learn some children's nursery rhymes too, it'll be another way to learn some korean! (I've almost memorized the song about a 아기좨지 from this show: :lol:)

음.....Can someone traslate the korean birthday song for me.....? It's quite silly but that one line 사랑하는 ____ gets me. Something about love, i know that much at least.

Oh and I found this somewhere on a website so I'll just post the whole thing here:

Here's a funny version of the Birthday song in Korean!
We learned this to sing to my friend on his birthday.

Wae tae o natni
Wae tae o natni
Argudo motsenkyoso
Wae tae o natni

Roughly translated it goes something like "Why were you born, why were you born, you're not even handsome, why were you born?"

Can someone give me the song in 한글? Romanized is not the way to go!

Oh yeah, can someone type out (in 한글 of course) the little song they sing before they play Catch the Mouse ... re=related and 디비디비딥 And what does 마리 mean? Muchos gracious (look at that 3 lanuages in one post =])

Last edited by rooraa on May 13th, 2008 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Bouks » May 13th, 2008 12:55 am

Hahahaaa that is precious, Rooraa!

I used to love to watch the games they played on "Happy Sunday" (is that KBS?), which were like what you described. It looks like I'll even get to see that show again this summer - there will be satellite TV where I'm going to be - hello KBS World, Arirang and MBC 8)

I would like to learn games and songs like that too. I also heard someone sing a children's song about someone who was pretty because "face was shiny", and her "eyes were shiny", and her "nose was shiny"...I wasn't able to get a good translation, but it sounded cute. Anyone know this "Shiny Song"? (And if "shiny" is the new standard of beauty, maybe I can stop worrying about whether or not my skin is too oily :lol: )
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby rooraa » May 13th, 2008 1:11 am

히히히, :lol: Well thanks for saying so Bouks!

Aww! Lucky, you get satelitte TV! I have yet to see anything korean on my tv and not on the computar =P

Hey, I want to learn the "shiny song" too, I've got oily skin and hair, beautiful no? :wink:

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Re: 한국경기! Any fun korean games/songs? & the bday

Postby austinfd » May 13th, 2008 4:01 am

I can help with this one:

The Birthday song would be:

생일 축하합니다
생일 축하합니다
사항하는 (name goes here)
생일 축하합니다

"사항하는" is like saying "Dear _____". Literally it means "____ that we love" You can use that intro to start a letter.

rooraa wrote:Wae tae o natni
Wae tae o natni
Argudo motsenkyoso
Wae tae o natni

Roughly translated it goes something like "Why were you born, why were you born, you're not even handsome, why were you born?"[/b]

Can someone give me the song in 한글? Romanized is not the way to go!

왜 태어났니?
왜 태어났니?
얼굴도 못 생겼는데
왜 태어났나?

And the translation is great. The 3rd line is literally "And your face is ugly"

It's like the English "Happy Birthday to you... you live in a zoo..."
Last edited by austinfd on May 13th, 2008 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

I'm making some videos!:

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Postby manyakumi » May 13th, 2008 4:04 am

Bouks, did you mean this song?

사과같은 내 얼굴 예쁘기도 하구나
눈도 반짝 코도 반짝 입도 반짝 반짝

오이같은 내 얼굴 길기도 하구나
눈도 길쭉 귀도 길쭉 코도 길쭉 길쭉

호박같은 내 얼굴 우습기도 하구나
눈도 둥글 귀도 둥글 입도 둥글 둥글


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Re: 한국경기! Any fun korean games/songs? & the bday

Postby rooraa » May 13th, 2008 4:06 am

austinfd wrote:
왜 태어났니?
왜 태어났니?
얼굴도 못 생겼는데
왜 태어났나?

And the translation is great. The 3rd line is literally "And your face is ugly"

감사합니다 austinfd씨! 히히히, I can't wait to sing it to one of my friends, although I'm not too sure on the pronounciation :roll:

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Postby austinfd » May 13th, 2008 4:16 am

I had seen that same video on YouTube, and found it again.

And I'm going to have to edit that 3rd line...after watching again

얼굴도 못 생긴데

It's just a tense change, and I think either way is probably fine....

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Postby Bouks » May 13th, 2008 5:13 am

manyakumi, I'm not sure that's the song. I remember there being specific reference to face, eyes, nose and...hmmm chin? Facial parts. All shiny, which is apparently quite beautiful, just like Rooraa and myself :lol:

Wouldn't it be cool if we could all get together and play "Catch The Mouse"! 8) Let's all mark a day and place on our calendars...and in the meantime, learn the song and the game!
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby Bouks » May 13th, 2008 6:21 am

Ok, I really need to get a life...but until I do, yay! I found instructions for "Catch The Mouse"!
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby holdfast » May 13th, 2008 3:47 pm

i had never seen the mouse game before but it looks fun. i have played mafia in korean though - that was fun! almost the same rules that i've always played growing up. i don't know what it is about that game, but my friends and i will still have mafia parties (and most of them are older than me!).

we played another game once where there was a 5 syllable word/phrase and 5 people would each say their syllable at the same time, then you had to try to decipher it in a team and figure out what the phrase was. that was a fun game, and i was the only american on the team, but i was the best in my team of figuring out the individual syllables. (:

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Postby rooraa » May 13th, 2008 10:41 pm

Bouks wrote:Wouldn't it be cool if we could all get together and play "Catch The Mouse"! 8) Let's all mark a day and place on our calendars...and in the meantime, learn the song and the game!

Yeahh! That sounds like so much fun! I'm all for it. At school I play it with my friends, you have no idea how loud we get whacking each other on the head with empty water bottles =D

holdfast wrote:we played another game once where there was a 5 syllable word/phrase and 5 people would each say their syllable at the same time, then you had to try to decipher it in a team and figure out what the phrase was. that was a fun game, and i was the only american on the team, but i was the best in my team of figuring out the individual syllables. (:
That sounds funs ^^
hmm a 5 syllable phrase....
너 사랑해요 :lol:

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Postby Bouks » May 14th, 2008 3:08 am

I had never played "Catch the Mouse" before...I just happened to see it on Happy Sunday, and thought it was funny even without subtitles. I also liked "Dibidip".

I also never played Mafia or the one with the five-syllable phrase. I somehow think there's no age limit for these games, holdfast...and if there is, there shouldn't be!

During my search for Catch the Mouse on YouTube, I found another episode where they did it in English - this is really funny:
On Skype, I'm nenuphar_ (just like that with the underline character ending)

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Postby rooraa » May 16th, 2008 12:52 am

haha I love Tablo!

I found this cute Korean song about a Tadpole:

개울가에 올챙이 한마리

꼬물 꼬물 헤엄치다

뒷다리가 쏘옥~ 앞다리가 쏘옥 ~

팔딱팔딱 개구리됐네

꼬물꼬물 꼬물꼬물 꼬물꼬물 올챙이가

뒷다리가 쏘옥~ 앞다리가 쏘옥~

팔딱팔딱 개구리됐네~

I am so going to learn the dance to it!

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Postby rooraa » July 25th, 2008 2:09 am ... re=related ... re=related

I'm trying to understand how you play the 토끼 게임

and so from what I can figure out, it's like this:

1) a player does an eating motion *hands flapping toward themselves* while saying "토끼 토끼 "
2) then points to a different player by having hands flap toward that player (saying again "토끼 토끼)
3) players next to the player saying 토끼 토끼 alternate their hands in a kind of L shape while saying 당근 당근, 당근 당근
4) all the other players say 와와 와와 while either swingin their hands horizontally OR (if standing) alternate raising knees and lowering hands

=] sounds like fun

Another game ... re=related
how do you play this and what is the song they are singing?

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