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Recipes or Good Websites?

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Recipes or Good Websites?

Postby Aroob » February 1st, 2008 12:17 pm

My friend's mother (a Korean) told me that it is very hard for a foreigner to cook Korean food... Much less eat most of it since it's very spicy.
Ah well, I can handle the eating department quite well since I love spicy food :lol:
As for the cooking, Im stubborn and confident that I can cook anything :P

Do you have any personal recipes, or a good website in English that has recipes for Korean dishes that I could try out?
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Postby hyunwoo » February 3rd, 2008 10:54 am

I don't know which English-language website is good for looking up some recipes for Korean food, but I know this youtube channel that's really interesting :-) Not very many recipe videos up there yet, but I hope this will be helpful ! :D

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Postby terepalo » February 7th, 2008 2:18 pm

Try this blog, it has some recipes:

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Postby Bouks » February 19th, 2008 3:45 pm

I have a cookbook called Korean Cooking Made Easy by Soon Young Chung (Periplus Edutions I think you can get it on Amazon. I have made a few things with it, and while I'm sure they're not 100% like the real thing, it's nice that the writer makes substitutions for those of us who can't get all the ingredients easily.

I don't have the motivation or time to try making kimchi, but I made namul (seasoned vegetables), and it's very easy.
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Postby corine » April 23rd, 2008 6:23 am

Hi there Aroob,

Just wanted to share , These are the two links I always visit for some great korean recipes. Lots of sumptuous recipes and tantalising pictures in there :D check them out !

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Postby Bouks » April 24th, 2008 6:06 pm

I haven't seen Aroob here for a while, maybe her subscription ran out.

Thank you for posting those sites. Even with my Korean cookbook, it's so much better to be able to see the preparation demonstrated on video. I don't often see American cooking shows featuring Korean recipes.

Now I'm hungry (배고바 요) :D
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Postby the_haunted_boy » April 26th, 2008 8:19 pm

I live by a Korean restaurant and I stalked the chefs for a while and I bugged them until they gave me their recipes.

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Postby xflibble » May 27th, 2008 6:33 am

I was going to recommend Maangchi's site as well, which you can also find just by searching the itunes store. I made 육개장 for my sick wife for the first last week and got the thumbs up, but ended up combining a couple of recipes...Even with the videos, expect to mess it up the first time :) Oh, and if you're making it for a Korean person, don't put celery in as per Maangchi's recipe!

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